Stock inventory with barcode scanner

In stock where add product count will be nice to have two aditional fields, where when scan barcode automaticaly product count +1 and another field where scan barcode product with scaned barcode decrease -1.

And second function or module where can scan barcode and dolibar count how many times i scan product and sum it.
After last scanning will be compared to stock product count and print table with info with products which count don’t mach.

I doin’t find this function.

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I thought PiBarcode would have implemented that feature but I guess I didn’t pay close enough attention to the details.

Hey great idea !
It doesnt exist but you know who can develop rhis function and pull request into core ?
There is a module on dolistore made by z-application called android which can do inventory and looks very promising…
Maybe take a look at kt :wink:

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Ye,s I agree with HubZ you should contact who can develop this function.

Barcode Scanner

There is a new module doing it all

i use it with a bluetooth scanner and my mobile phone with wifi or 3G connection, or USB and a barcode scanner on a classical computer.

It’s called mobilid developped by Francis Appels on his website you will see.

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