bug in version 3.6.2

I install 3.6.2 last week and now I cant list the customer invoice. I get the following error:

Has any one expirience the same problem? thanks for your help.

Dolibarr ha detectado un error técnico.
He aquí la información que podrá ayudar al diagnóstico:
Fecha: 20150104111830
Dolibarr: 3.6.2
Nivel de funciones: 0
PHP: 5.3.22
Server: Apache

URL solicitada: /JStock/htdocs/compta/facture/list.php?leftmenu=customers_bills
Referer: http://xxxx.xx/JStock/htdocs/compta/paiement/liste.php?leftmenu=customers_bills_payments
Gestor de menú: eldy_menu.php

Tipo de gestor de base de datos: mysqli
Petición último acceso a la base de datos erróneo: SELECT f.rowid as facid, f.facnumber, f.ref_client, f.type, f.note_private, f.increment, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.datef as df, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.paye as paye, f.fk_statut, s.nom, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client , SUM(pf.amount) as am FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_paiement_facture as pf ON pf.fk_facture = f.rowid WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 GROUP BY f.rowid, f.facnumber, ref_client, f.type, f.note_private, f.increment, f.total, f.tva, f.total_ttc, f.datef, f.date_lim_reglement, f.paye, f.fk_statut, s.nom, s.rowid, s.code_client, s.client ORDER BY f.datef DESC, f.rowid DESC LIMIT 26
Código devuelto último acceso a la base de datos erróneo: DB_ERROR_1
Información sobre el último acceso a la base de datos erróneo: Can’t create/write to file ‘/tmp/#sql_14ee_0.MYI’ (Errcode: 28)

Try to run a repair on all your database tables.