AJAX confirmation popups difficult to see

Hi Eldy,

Dolibarr 2.9.0
I am using the skin ‘auguria’
When you make a validation on an order/expedition or Invoice or any other validation it seems where the AJAX confirmation is very very difficult to see!

Can you please check this and eventually adjust this?

What do you mean with difficult to see ?
Can you provide a screenshot ?
Try also to clean your browser cache.

Thanks for your quick reply, clearing out the browser cache did the trick, thank you very much.

Hi Eldy have to come back to you on this because even after you clean the cache the problem seems to come back…

I am using IE8
What happens is that when the Ajax confirmation is coming up the screen become a little more dark and then it seems that the confirmation box stays in the background and when I click on the screen with the pointer of the mouse it appears and then you can make the confirmation.

Hope I am clear enough.

Is it on 2.9 version ?
Can you provide a screenshot ?

Yes, 2.9.0

Before mouse click


After mouse click


Pièces jointes :

Ok, with screenshot it’s easier to understand.
Did you try with another browser than IE8 ?
Can you try on demo.dolibarr.org and tell if popup appears immediatly or after a click like you have currently (the popup engine was changed) ?

With firefox it is working, but not everybeody has firefox on his computer…

When I tried the demoversion with IE8 you see the following:


When you validate however nothing happens!

Really strange. I do not experience any of the related problem you have, even with IE8.
Which OS do you have ?
Does the notification module is enabled ?
Can you see if you have javascript errors ?

With the computer where this is happening, I am using XP, yes notification is enabled and no javascript errors, I just need to make this little click with my mouse to make the popup appear from the background and then all continues in a normal way.

Not really a problem, just wanted to inform you about this.

This might be a problem after version 3.0 as we use a new javascript library that seems to trunc text.
I don’t think XP is the problem. It might have something else.
May be the screen definition (px x px) ?

I just disable the Ajax popup in the configuration module and it’s seems to work.

Hi Eldy,

i just wanted to say that my boss is having the same problem on his pc but i never reported it.

He’s using XP SP3, IE8, not sure about his javascript config, Dolibar 2.8.0

Dear Eldy,

We are using the multicompany module and i wanted to switch from an entity/environement to an other but the Ajax link on the top right of the window only reloads the same entity even though i choose a different one.

So i wanted to disactivate Ajax from the display options and then it messed up the script and nothing is accessible and it says:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ajax_combobox() in /var/www/hosting/www.ourwebsite.com/accounting/htdocs/multicompany/class/actions_multicompany.class.php on line 419

Could you please assist on how to fix this issue ?

I think we are using version 3.1

Thank you in advance,
