PHP Fatal error after update 3.2.2 to 3.2.3

Hello everybody,

after update my dolibar 3.2.2 to the new 3.2.3 in my Linux hosting, I get a blank screen when trying to generate invoices, it works Ok with other documents, but not with invoices.

In the attached txt are the details, after try to post this in the forum more than 15 times without success…, don´t know why

Will thank any kind of help :wink:

error_dolibarr.txt (3.04 KB)


Even if previous version was working correctly with 32Mb limit with 3.2.2, i think you miss memory. Can you try with memory limit = 64Mb

Hello and thank you very much your for your time and help,

Though that I was subscribed to all my post but did not get an email about this answer.

My dolibar is in an external hosting, so after read your post search a little to find the solution in my case, have no access to php.ini.

What I did:

Create an .htaccess file in the Dolibarr root folder and simply add this line:

php_value memory_limit 64M

After that my Dolibarr works !, and I´m happy again.

Thank you Eldy