Error on excpedition

Hi I’ve this error in dolibarr 3.5.2 when I try to validate an expedition
link : /expedition/fiche.php?action=create&id=16&origin=commande&origin_id=16&entrepot_id=-1

Unknown column ‘fk_address’ in ‘field list’ - sql=INSERT INTO llx_expedition (ref, entity, ref_customer, ref_int, date_creation, fk_user_author, date_expedition, date_delivery, fk_soc, fk_address, fk_shipping_method, tracking_number, weight, size, width, height, weight_units, size_units, note_private, note_public, model_pdf) VALUES (’(PROV)’, 1, ‘170/2014’, null, ‘20140420090851’, 2, null, ‘20140422000000’, 24, null, 2, ‘1234’, 20, NULL, NULL, 20, 0, 0, null, null, ‘rouget’)

Any Idea please?

Hi zayker

may be an issue with your warehouse



sorry, we can’t edit a topic so I send it again

may be an issue with your warehouse


-1 for id is not good