All Product list in supplier order not available


In the supplier order products are not displayed after a certain number of products. (Note: I have not calculated how many are being displayed)

Approximate 20 products are missing from the list, total approximate 120 products we have for that supplier.

Please let me know how to resolve it.

is there any filter active ?


Thanks for your response.

I am sorry I am not aware about the filter in the supplier order product list. However I do not think that there is filter for the products.

As if I add a new product with the supplier it gets added & removes an old product from the list. This issue is only with the supplier order & is fine in the customer order.

Could you try to document your steps taken by scren-shots?

Best regards

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Please find attached document for your kind perusal:


Please find attached document for your kind perusal:

Pls. try to resize your screen-shot files before uploading. The forum is unforgiving concerning pictures to big.

Best regards

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Thanks a lot for your quick answer.
I have compressed PDF & attaching again,

attached is PDF

dolibarr.pdf (744 KB)

I suppose you want to know what happens with the number of products selectable in “Add Line” in Supplier Order?

Then you should investigate:

function select_produits_fournisseurs_list( ....
in file … htdocs/core/class/html.form.class.php


var_dump( $variables_to_output ); die;
to debug

Best regards

1 Like

Thank you very very much :happy:

The issue is solved.

 function select_produits_fournisseurs_list($socid,$selected='',$htmlname='productid',$filtertype='',$filtre='',$filterkey='',$statut=-1,$outputmode=0,$limit=100)

It had $limit=100, I have changed it to 200 for now, I will update it more if required in future.

New updated code is :

 function select_produits_fournisseurs_list($socid,$selected='',$htmlname='productid',$filtertype='',$filtre='',$filterkey='',$statut=-1,$outputmode=0,$limit=200)