Local option to change "VAT" to "GST" on invoices


I really like this software, it has become the backbone of my small arts business and is awesomely open source.

Keep up the good work…

However -

I am in Australia, and we refer to VAT or SALES TAX as GST … which I am sure isn’t completely unknown.

When I raise a customer invoice, it seems there is no option to change the VAT collumn to GST (as is required by our taxation system) … the only way I have been able to get around this(and please forgive me if I’m naive about this), is by importing the downloaded pdf invoice into Adobe Acrobat and physically amending the VAT column and the VAT line in the totals collumn to GST.

This is cumbersome and very annoying and I can’t help think that it could be an awesome feature for you to incorporate.

Essentially I have set up VAT to be GST (although I am not even elligible to charge tax I have to show that there is no additional 10%) … so all it seems to be to fix it would be to have a third invoice template that simply displays VAT as GST instead.

Just thoughts, because this is an awesome program and it would be great to be able to customise this as it could be essential for positive work flow in a larger business.

It would be good to not have to rely on another program to fine tune an invoice before sending it to a client.

Thanks for your time and consideration.


If you want to substitute VAT to GST so perhaps the best is to modify your language files.

Go to your installation directory …/langs/en_US (assuming you’re using en_US !)

Then open main.lang with a text editor then search for VAT occurances… for instance if you use dolibarr 3.2.3:

. main.lang file line 302:
VAT=Sales tax

change it to:

save the file then generate your PDF document again and check the result…

Actually you can almost modify what you want, you need to locate and modify the right text in the right .lang file… enjoy !

Prior to any modification, it’s nevertheless always a good practice to make a backup of the file…


Just select en_AU instead of en_US language and change will appears.

thanks for the reply …

for the record, my dolibar language was set to browser auto detect … so changing the language in my browser fixed it straight away.
