Unicode (EMOJI) Support



  • Version: [8.0.3]
  • Operating System: [Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 & Windows 10]
  • Web Server: [Apache]
  • PHP: [7.1.23]
  • Database: [MySQL or MariaDB 5.7.24]
  • URL(s): [https://www.emojione.com]

Hello there
If there is something remarkable about the technological boom of the 21st century, it is undoubtedly the wide use of emojis (those tiny text glyphs).
We are a small travel agency, and we would like to use emojis in the different categories of suppliers like:

You even could use them without any text.
Doesn’t it make working faster and funnier?
Think about it. How many emojis did you used today?

This is what we get everytime we try to use an emoji in the category name (with and without text):

Dolibarr has detected a technical error.
This information can be useful for diagnostic purposes (you can set option $dolibarr_main_prod to ‘1’ to remove such notices):

Requested URL: /dolibarr/categories/edit.php
Menu manager: eldy_menu.php

Database type manager: mysqli
Latest database access request error: UPDATE llx_categorie SET label = ‘BUSGLYPH Buses’, description = ‘’, color = ‘’, visible = ‘0’, fk_parent = 0 WHERE rowid = 4
Return code for latest database access request error: DB_ERROR_1366
Information for latest database access request error: Incorrect string value: ‘\xF0\x9F\x9A\x8D A…’ for column ‘label’ at row 1

Emoji used in business depends on the image and reputation you would want to portray.

Personally I find emojis as a social tool and a business would be taken less seriously by its customers and suppliers if we use cool emojis every where.

Having icons on screen is something different internally but if we are going to share the same type of icons with customers/suppliers then I don’t think it is wise.

Hello aljawaid, thank you very much for your reply. I appreciate.

You’re totally right. But I meant for us internally.
Also I want to clarify that I’m not requesting a way to input emojis. I’m asking for Unicode support. On Windows 10 (desktop) you can write emojis with the onscreen keyboard.
But we also want to use Dolibarr from Android phones and tablets…

It’s more of the power to do it if you want (to suit every taste).
Did you ever heard phrases like “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure .”, “There’s no accounting for taste” :smiley:

Another thing to keep in mind is that emojis are “internationally” understandable.
If we hire someone in our office to talk to foreigners, he/she may not speak our language well, but they get what we mean right away by emojis.

He/she may speak our language well, but being bilingual and thinking in two languages at the same time, is sometimes hard, but you don’t need to write the word if you can’t think of it. An emoji is enough for our anyone to understand what he/she meant.

My apologies, I thought you meant on customer/supplier side too.

In very recent versions, fontawesome icons have been integrated into Dolibarr and looking at the way things are going, it is already having a refreshing change on the layout and interface.

In terms of unicode support, I’m not really sure if that exists or if it is planned, although you could help to contribute to Dolibarr by getting it developed to push in the core, or seeing if anything related is available as a module in Dolistore.

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