Admin->Products->New Inventory: what does this do?

no matter what options I put in the form on this screen, it just returns a screen with no inner content and nothing in the List.
What is the purpose of this section?

Hi Steve,
Where did you get it from? What Doli version do you run? I cannot find anywhere “Admin->Products->New Inventory”

Since I am not in production yet, I am working on the develop version from Github.

Ok, I get it now as this option does not exist in previous versions. So the inventory is not the same as products (you can read about inventory here), please note that this is a develop version (WIP) so many of the features do not work like for example the inventory feature.
Btw. as you work on a Develop version only then all your topics should be posted here

E: here you can read about the functionality of the inventory module (in French but you can use google to translate the page)

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I forget that most people are on older versions.
I post development bugs in Github, I get the impression not many people who develop are looking at this english forum.