Migrating cleint addressbook to Dolibarr

Hi ,

I am trying to migrate a big addressbook (1300 clients) to Dolibarr and I keep getting errors?
Even the test file that is online doesn’t convert cleanly in 9.0.
Does someone have an example file (CSV) that will load correctly into 9.0?


Start Import from Line 2!

Ensure that he actual Dolibarr Date format ist the same as in the CSV file - otherwise (as a workaround) move the last field “Date” down to the “not used” section in the step before.

Hi ,
Unfortunately, I still can’t get the addressbook (Partner) to import no matter what I do.
I keep getting the following erro message:

nformationen über die Zieltabellen
Zieltabellen llx_socpeople
Zielfelder Feld 1->s.civility, Feld 2->s.firstname, Feld 3->s.lastname, Feld 4->s.fk_soc, Feld 5->s.address, Feld 6->s.town, Feld 7->s.zip, Feld 8->s.fk_pays, Feld 9->s.fax, Feld 10->s.phone, Feld 11->s.phone_perso, Feld 12->s.phone_mobile, Feld 13->s.email, Feld 14->s.note_private
Zeilenanzahl ohne Fehler und Warnungen: 0.

Fehler in 2 Quellzeilen
* Zeile 1
> Falscher Wert für Feldnummer 4 (für den Wert ‘Name des Partners (s.fk_soc)’ besteht keine Partner Referenz)
> Nicht korrekter Wert für das Feld Nummer 8 (Wert ‘Ländercode (s.fk_pays)’ ist kein verfügbarer Wert im Feld code der Tabelle Länder)
* Zeile 2
> Falscher Wert für Feldnummer 4 (für den Wert ‘Schokolade’ besteht keine Partner Referenz)

any help would be great!

  1. Import Organization / Third Party Company
    Third parties Third Parties (companies/foundations/physical people) and their properties

  2. Import Contacts OF Organization using SAME Organizatiom Name as in Step 1.
    Third parties Contacts/Addresses and attributes