How to edit an export template?


how would you edit an existing export template?
I could not find any guidance.

Which files have to be edit?
(maybe for example to edit “dataexport facture_1”)

Three questions for example:

  1. How to add a field from a table
  2. How to change a date field (for example from “yy/mm/dd” to “”)
  3. How to add a constant

Thank you in advance.

1st question. You have a large list of fields in step 2 that you can export and you can decide which ones you want to export.
Entities Exportable fields All / None Exported fields
Company Company Id
Company Company name
Company Customer Code
Company Address
Company Postcode
Company City
Company Country code
Invoice County
Company Phone
Company Professional ID 1
Company Professional ID 2
Company Professional ID 3
Company Professional ID 4
Company Customer accounting code
Company Vendor accounting code
Company Sales Tax/VAT ID
Invoice Invoice id
Invoice Invoice ref.
Invoice Ref. customer
Invoice Type
Invoice Invoice creation date
Invoice Invoice date
Invoice Due date
Invoice Total (net)
Invoice Total (inc. tax)
Invoice Total VAT
Invoice Pending
Invoice Invoice paid
Invoice Invoice status
Invoice Note (private)
Invoice Note (public)
User User id who created
User User login who created
User User id who validated
User User login who validated
Projects Project ref.
Invoice line Id of line
Invoice line Description of line
Invoice line Unit price of line
Invoice line VAT Rate of line
Invoice line Quantity for line
Invoice line Amount net of tax for line
Invoice line Amount of VAT for line
Invoice line Amount with tax for line
Invoice line Start date
Invoice line End date
Invoice line Special code
Invoice line Type of line (0=product, 1=service)
Product Product/service id
Product Product ref.
Product Product label
Product Accounting code (sale)
Invoice Currency
Invoice Currency conversion rate
Invoice Amount (net of tax), original currency
Invoice Amount tax, original currency
Invoice Amount (inc. of tax), original currency
Invoice New line
Invoice New title
Product Longdescript
Product Location
2nd question. once the file is exported you can easly change the date format in excel (select all dates -> right click -> format cells -> date)
3rd question. what do you mean by that?

Thank you,

I know this and work with it.

  1. But how can I add non-pre-defined fields from tables (e.g. extra-fields).

  2. If you define a schedule job for export is it and use it every day it will be more comfortable to have the right date format without handling in excel.

  3. If your goal- / receiver-system need some constant field information which Dolibarr not provide it can be helpful to add this direct in every export-line.