Use $ ID $ in extra field filters (Lines)

Hello, Good evening.

I’m new to this Dolibarr, i’m trying use the current record id for a filter in extra field, says Dolibarr to use $ID$ but i don’t now how to use it, I have tried all the ways that I thought.

This was my last test:
sda_atributos:color:rowid:: idPro = ($SEL$ rowid FROM llx_product WHERE rowid = $ID$)

I also tried this:
sda_atributos:color:rowid:: idProd = $ID$

I hope you can help me. Thanks

Where did you find information to use $ID$.
This seems to not be an official feature but a feature into an external module.
With official version, you must use extra field of type “computed”. Click on the ? to get example of syntax to use computed fields.

Not quite sure if EN translation file have a $ID$, but my PT_BR does. This is the ‘?’ content for ‘Table dropdown list’ extra field:

Lista de valores vem de uma tabela
Sintaxe: table_name: label_field: id_field :: filter
Exemplo: c_typent: libelle: id :: filter

filtro pode ser um teste simples (por exemplo, ativo = 1) para exibir apenas o valor ativo
Você também pode usar $ID$ no filtro que é o ID atual do objeto atual
Para fazer um SELECT no filtro use $SEL$
se você quiser filtrar em extrafields use a sintaxe extra.fieldcode = … (onde o código de campo é o código do campo extra)

Para que a lista dependa de outra lista de atributos complementares:
c_typent: libelle: id: options_ parent_list_code | parent_column: filter

Para ter a lista dependendo de outra lista:
c_typent: libelle: id: parent_list_code | parent_column: filter

By the way does anyone have an extended doc regarding how Extra Field parser works?

And what is your Dolibarr version ?

13.0.2, first install 13.0.1, original pt-BR location.