Include Third Party Name on Generated Invoice PDF

Good day,

I would like my generated Invoices to also include the name of the receiving THIRDPARTY.

I have included an image of my current setup, which works fine.

However, if I create an Invoice for L Shoes,for example, my generated PDF will simply say: INV1910005
Is there a way to have the name as: INV1910005 L Shoes

I have searched through everything including hidden options and available strings (as detailed in the attached photo) to no avail.
I noticed that there is an -{t} operator, but this only shows the type as defined in Dictionaries menu.
Is there an undocumented string I can add to get the built in TPDF generator to do this.

Thank you in advance for your time and I am indeed grateful for your assistance.

A Joseph

you can modify Carbe invoice template.