Dolibarr looks weird after installation

I just installed Dolibarr using CPanel and it looks without skin or style.
take a look at the attachments picture

What is CPanel?
It seems that something is lacking in the installation

CTRL-SHIFT-I should tell you what’s missing. Also, If you have your Content-Security-Policy set, you’ll need to update it.

I have the same problem with the apparence.
When I press CTRL+SHIFT+I get the following message:

Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://xxxxxx/core/js/lib_head.js.php?lang=en_GB&layout=classic&version=8.0.0”. index.php:28
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://xxxxxxcore/js/lib_foot.js.php?lang=en_GB&layout=classic&version=8.0.0”. index.php:205
jQuery.Deferred exception: select2arrayoflanguage is not defined @https://xxxxx/admin/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=setup&mesg=setupnotcomplete:164:6
undefined jquery.min.js:2:31515
[Show/hide message details.] ReferenceError: select2arrayoflanguage is not defined[Learn More] index.php:164:6

Could you please advice on how to resolve this issue?. It seems related to language but I tried English and Spanish and does not work. I also tried version 7.0.3 and 8.0.0 with same result

Thank you very much in advance for your support

did you try running the installer twice? in case any files were missed

I did the installation manually due to the restrictions of my web provider. I tried several times the installation with different versiĂłn with no success

Loading failed for the <script> with source “”.

Check if this file exists in that location.

Also, if you manually uploaded the files, check the folder permissions.

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It seems something is wrong in your web server setup because url return error 500
Check the files were uploaded in binary mode and not text mode.
Check permissions were granted to the web server user.
Check also into your web server error.log file.

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thanks for your support.

Please notice that my website is not I am another user having the same problem as the originator of this post. I did not include my website for security reasons.

I uploaded the file into my web server using the linux command scp (which uses binary as default) and then unzip it into the right directory

I did not change permissions so for the lib_head.js file were as followss:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1634740 power 36650 Jun 23 12:56 lib_head.js.php
anyway, I changed to -rwxrwxrwx with no sucess

I also checked the web server error log, with the following output where xxxxxxxxxx is my website path in the web server

19.08.2018 07:01:03 xxxxxxxxx FastCGI: missing interpreter for (dynamic) server “xxxxxxxxxxx/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/core/js/lib_head.js.php”
19.08.2018 07:01:03 xxxxxxxxx FastCGI: missing interpreter for (dynamic) server “xxxxxxxxxxx/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/theme/eldy/style.css.php”
19.08.2018 07:01:03 xxxxxxxxx FastCGI: missing interpreter for (dynamic) server “xxxxxxxxxxx/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/core/js/lib_foot.js.php”
19.08.2018 07:01:03 xxxxxxxxx FastCGI: missing interpreter for (dynamic) server “xxxxxxxxxxx/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/core/js/lib_head.js.php”
19.08.2018 07:01:03xxxxxxxxx FastCGI: missing interpreter for (dynamic) server “xxxxxxxxxxx/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/core/js/lib_foot.js.php”

So it seems a configuration problem of my server. However, I did not have any configuration error during the Dolibarr installation and everything was ok.
Is there any way around to solve this issue?

In case it helps, I also include the CTR+SHIT+I ouput from the website
Loading failed for the <script> with source “xxxxxxxxxxxs/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/core/js/lib_head.js.php?lang=es_ES&layout=classic&version=8.0.0”. index.php:35
Loading failed for the <script> with source “xxxxxxxxxxx/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/contab/js/functions.js”. index.php:37
Loading failed for the <script> with source xxxxxxxxxxx/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/core/js/lib_foot.js.php?lang=es_ES&layout=classic&version=8.0.0”. index.php:1849

jQuery.Deferred exception: select2arrayoflanguage is not defined @xxxxxxxxxxx/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/index.php?mainmenu=home:97:6
undefined jquery.min.js:2:31515

jQuery.Deferred exception: select2arrayoflanguage is not defined @xxxxxxxxxx/dolibarr-8.0.0/htdocs/index.php?mainmenu=home:1808:6
undefined jquery.min.js:2:31515

[Show/hide message details.] ReferenceError: select2arrayoflanguage is not defined[Learn More] index.php:97:6
[Show/hide message details.] ReferenceError: select2arrayoflanguage is not defined[Learn More] index.php:1808:6

Any help with this issue?. Please

I would clear the browser cache and try the installer again.

I know , i can help you on this . contact me on skype . skype id is : sachin.jha_4

Hi robotechnics
Did you solve your issue ?
If so how did you make it ?

I have updated mine from 3.0.9 to 9 satble and I got the same issue.


Any idea would be welcome !

Hi LeamONade,
You need to progressively upgrade your Dolibarr from v3 to 4 to 5 etc.
That may help