New Install Error - Failed to include_once


I’m trying to install Dolibarr on a shared web server. After uploading all the files via FTP to a subdirectory I’ve simply called “d”, I keep getting the following error message:

Failed to include_once("/d/htdocs/core/db/mysqli.class.php")
You may have typed a wrong value for parameter ‘Directory where web pages are stored’.

I’ve tried every variation I can think of but I can’t seem to get past this error. Any help is appreciated.

You should upload the contents of [tt]htdocs[/tt] into [tt]/d[/tt] if “d” is what the subfolder is called.

for php 5.3 magic quotes issue:

Open file: /manager/index.php

delete 84.line

if (version_compare(phpversion(), “5.4”) < 0) {

// include_once the magic_quotes_gpc workaround
include_once "";


add on top after <?php :

include_once “./includes/”;
