Multi Company Details

I don’t have multi Companies, however, I do have multiple businesses under one Company.

Where do you find details on how the Multi Company module works from the admin user and structure perspective?
For example, are forms generated for each company with their specific logos and details?
Are separate Company emails used if required for branding for each Company?
Are the accounting accounts separated so that the financial transactions are specific to each Company for their P&L and assets?

And, in my case where it is a number of businesses hanging of one Company, will this be an issue in any way?

Can I set up a trial module?


i am the developer of the multicompany module,
can you contact me for a demo : regis.houssin at inodbox dot com

Régis Houssin

Hi Régis Houssin,
Some days ago I replied to your direct email but I haven’t seen a reply. I may have missed it.

So wanting to use Dolibarr with multiple businesses under one company.

Does the module allow each business to have it’s own PayPal account/gateway?

Does the module mean you can have a different accounting Chart of Accounts for each business and would the top company be able to make reports with the child businesses taken into account?


I have a Prestashop multi store set up with each business having it’s own store.
Any ideas how this will work with the Multi Company set up?
Obviously a Dolibarr Prestashop bridging module will also be required.