Export tools not working v 6.0.2

Hi all,
i have a problem with Export tools in Dolibarr v 6.0.2. I have tried to disable and then to enable the module again but the same error occur. Any ideas?!?!?

Pièces jointes :

No attachment… Reduce the size of your picture and upload it again.

Ok, I see the attachment. Open this file modComptabilite.class.php and check what is in line 125. In my file in line 125 is [code]}[/code

Hi there, everything seems to be as you suggest - in line 125 2 of the files have just this bracket. The third file however (/home/freyaaro/public_html/tg/core/modules/modComptabilite.class.php) have only 119 rows and in the row 118 there is only again this symbol.

Again - the same problem - any other ideas?!