bug / suggestion sales tax list


the “report by rate” should not only group the VAT rate but also the VAT-code. So it’s possible to have the same rate for different things, like we need it in CH for the supplier invoices

Look for

$sql = "SELECT fd.tva_tx AS vatrate,"; $sql .= " fd.product_type AS product_type,"; $sql .= " cc.label AS country,";
in file 'htdocs/compta/stats/byratecountry.php ’ and add mySQL & print statements.

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Hi Peter,

thanks for the note. I was probably not very specific with my question. I thought more of ‘Sale tax report by rates’ at /compta/tva/quadri_detail.php?leftmenu=tax_vat

Do you refer to (which is virtually the same system as in Germany):

Could you provide an example of an invoice?

PS: I’m not an accountant or tax advisor

not really. In CH, we have to differentiate between “Products/Services” and “Investing/Operating Expense” in the VAT Settlement Form for input tax. However, the tax rate is 7.7% for both.

If the Dolibarr report sorts not only the tax rate but also the field “llx_c_tva.code”, this requirement can be met.

See Ziffer 400 and 405 in the form: https://www.estv.admin.ch/dam/estv/de/dokumente/mwst/formulare/abrechnung-muster/muster_ssa_eff_1q2018.pdf.download.pdf/muster_ssa_eff_1q2018_d.pdf