

For Users:
NEW: Stable module: DAV (WebDAV only for the moment)
NEW: Stable module "Skype" has been replaced with module "Social Networks" to support more services.
NEW: Stable module "Module Builder"
NEW: Stable module: Website
NEW: Experimental module "TakePos"
NEW: Experimental module "Ticket"
NEW: Experimental module "Data Privacy"
NEW: Experimental module "Email Collector"
NEW: Dolibarr can provide information in page title when multicompany is enabled of not, making
     Android application like DoliDroid able to provide native features for multicompany module.
NEW: Compatibility with PHP 7.3 => 
NEW: Add admin page for modulebuilder
NEW: Add civility in list of members. Close #9251
NEW: Add configuration to disable "customer/prospect" thirdparty type
NEW: Add __DAY_TEXT__ and __MONTH_TEXT__ substitutions vars
NEW: Add due date column in payment lists
NEW: Add email in event history, for reminder email of expired subsription
NEW: Add event tab on resource record
NEW: Add FEC Export in accountancy
NEW: Add filter on staff range in list of thirdparties
NEW: Add a first complete template of website
NEW: Add format code into exported filename of ledger
NEW: Add link to inventory code
NEW: Add more common social networks fields for business
NEW: Add option PDF_DISABLE_MYCOMPANY_LOGO to disable logo on PDF
NEW: Add option to display thirdparty adress in combolist
NEW: Add option to swap sender/recipient address on PDF
NEW: Add project on payment of salaries
NEW: Add supplier ref in item reception page
NEW: Advanced permission to ignore price min
NEW: Allow to enter a timespent with a numeric value
NEW: Automatic position of scroll when creating an extrafield
NEW: Can add autorefresh=X in any URLs to refresh page after X seconds
NEW: can add project's task to agenda on create event form
NEW: Can delete a website in experimental website module
NEW: Can disable meteo on smartphone only
NEW: Can export/import a website template
NEW: Can filter on EEC, not EEC, etc... in binding step of accountancy
NEW: Can mix offset before and after with rules for due date of invoices
NEW: Can record the supplier product description
NEW: Can select several prospect level in thirdparty filter.
NEW: Can set 2 url in url field of thirdparty
NEW: Can set if a field is mandatory on form level.
NEW: Can set the default focus of each page.
NEW: Add category filter on user list
NEW: Change forgotten password link in general parameters
NEW: Child label of variants change if parent label changes
NEW: Compatibility with new Paybox HMAC requirement
NEW: Each user can set its prefered default calendar page
NEW: Enhancement in process to make manual bank conciliation
NEW: Enhancement in the generic file manager
NEW: Extrafield totalizable
NEW: hidden conf to search product by supplier ref
NEW: hidden constant to be able to use a thirdparty for donation
NEW: hidden option to define an invoice template for each invoice type
NEW: Highlight lines on lists when they are checked
NEW: Notification module support expense report+holiday validation and approval
NEW: On customer/supplier card, add simple tooltip to amount boxes
NEW: Page to check if the operations/items created between two dates have attached item(s) and possibility to download all attachements
NEW: possibility to add all rights of all modules in one time
NEW: redirect if only one result on global search on card
NEW: Permission to ignore price min
NEW: Can build an archive of full documents directory from backup page
NEW: tag odt line_product_ref_fourn for supplier doc lines
NEW: The binding step in accountancy has a country filter with autocompletion
NEW: Top menu is always on screen with MD theme.
NEW: Withdraw request massaction can include already partially paid invoices
NEW: Option "Simplify interface for blind persons"
NEW: Generic cash fence feature (compatible with several POS modules)

For developers:
NEW: Add lib for multiselect with checkboxes
NEW: Add function isValidMXRecord
NEW: Add somes hooks in bank planned entries
NEW: Add hook changeRoundingMode in update_price
NEW: Add hook formconfirm to contractcard
NEW: Add hook for virtual stock
NEW: ADD url to see the last version of a external module
NEW: Can enable a module, even external module, from command line
NEW: Can set a tooltip help text on extrafields
NEW: Add product search from barcode via REST api
NEW: can add documents on agenda events using API REST
NEW: Can set the datestart and dateend of cron job into module descriptor
NEW: Close #9296 Add field ref_ext into llx_categorie
NEW: move ticket dictionary in API /setup
NEW: PHPUnitTest on Loan class #3163
NEW: Code changes to be more compatible with PSR2
NEW: Removed trigger USER_LOGOUT, USER_LOGIN, USER_LOGIN_FAILED (Some hooks are already dedicated for that)
NEW: Add agenda documents in API REST
NEW: Add "checked" field for new list engine compatibility
NEW: REST API improvements
NEW: Save external payment IDs into table of payment
NEW: triggers add commercial and del commercial
NEW: #9236 Allow to import shipment lines via API
NEW: ADD civility list in API
NEW: support selllist in the  module builder
NEW: optional param to show a specific extrafield
NEW: hook formConfirm always called if hooked
NEW: hook on dispatch order fourn


Following changes may create regressions for some external modules, but were necessary to make Dolibarr better:
* If you use some links like viewimages.php?modulepart=mycompany&file=... in your external modules, you must
  replace them with links like viewimages.php?modulepart=mycompany&file=logos/... (note that link change only for
  modulepart=mycompany that now works like others).
* Remove the no more used and deprecated dol_print_graph function


FIX: #10381 FIX: #10460 compatibility with MariaDB 10.4 FIX: #10485 FIX: #10638 FIX: Accountancy - Adding transaction with multicompany uses all the time 1st entity FIX: actioncomm export: ORDER BY clause is in wrong export property + event type filter does not work FIX: add fk_unit on addline action FIX: adding css by page if url is externam FIX: Bad link in menu manager FIX: better test on fetch FIX: can't add lines on invoices FIX: Check for old picture name if the new one was not found FIX: could not create several superadmin in transversal mode FIX: creation of menu entry with parent id not int FIX: creation of new left menu entry FIX: Default language of company is not set FIX: error on setup of password if pass generators have a .old file. FIX: error report not returned FIX: expedition: reset status on rollback + replace hardcoded status with const FIX: fetch module / pos source FIX: fk_default_warehouse missing in group by FIX: function sendEmailsReminder isn't completely developed, then MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL must be 2 to "use" it FIX: if empty error message, we just see "error" displayed FIX: label of bank account FIX: line edit template: keep fk_parent_line FIX: Mark credit note as available for credit note in other currency FIX: missing access security checking with multicompany FIX: missing entity filter in function "build_filterField()" (export module) FIX: missing $ismultientitymanaged for previous/next ref FIX: Missing province in export of invoice FIX: must fetch member in current entity FIX: positive values creating diff on addline rounding FIX: positive values IN supplier credit notes creating diff on addline rounding FIX: Price in combo list of service does not use the correct price level FIX: project_title for display of getNomUrl() FIX: same thing here FIX: Show button POS Ticket only if invoice was generated by POS FIX: supplier invoice payment total doesn't care about deposit or credit FIX: supplier invoice product stats total ht is line total not invoice total FIX: The notes was also copied on invoice FIX: Transaction on leave approval and decrease ko if setup not complete FIX: Translation not loaded by scheduled jobs FIX: [URGENT] broken feature, "$usercancreate" is for Dolibarr 9 FIX: we want to be able to reopen fourn credit note FIX: wrong feature2 when user rights "group_advance" is used FIX: wrong merged conflict FIX: wrong tests on fetch NEW: Add protection to avoid packaging if files non indexed exists


FIX: #10822 FIX: Accountancy - Format EBP import FIX: A page of a site replaced with another when switching in edit mode FIX: Autodetect buy price for invoices autogenerated with templates. FIX: Avoid error 500 when extension php-intl not loaded FIX: bad check on type of expense report (mandatory status not working) FIX: Bad label of status for members (must be short version in list) FIX: Can not create contract with numbering module without autogen rule FIX: Can't set default value of extrafield of type varchar FIX: check only if invoice module is enabled (bank is check after) FIX: counter of permissions in badge was wrong FIX: default value of language of thirdparty FIX: Don't show accountingjournal:getNomUrl without data FIX: Duplicate executeHook function FIX: Edit of personalized groups FIX: Error with various & salary payment on project FIX: extrafields always visible on view mode FIX: function not found FIX: If we build one invoice for several orders, we must put the ref of orders on lines. FIX: expensereport must be in $check array FIX: missing entity filter and wrong var name FIX: Missing field "In sale" in list FIX: missing hook completeTabsHead in margins module FIX: missing hook in agenda export FIX: missing vat_src_code when inserting an expense report line FIX: More complete auto setup of barcode module FIX: need to round with 2 decimals to avoid movements not correctly balanced FIX: no need to test anything to display documents tabs on expense report FIX: old export models was not visible FIX: Param keepn must be 1 when dol_escape_htmltag used for textarea FIX: possibility to set up payment mode when invoice module is disabled FIX: problem with sign of various payment in project preview FIX: Remane of project FIX: setup of module export FIX: several hooks in shipping/delivery cards FIX: supplier discount was not retrieved when choosing a product FIX: The minimum amount filter does not work in the VAT report per customer FIX: Tooltip on click was ko on smartphone FIX: translation FIX: useless join FIX: Vat src code lost after editing expense report line FIX: we need to keep originline special_code FIX: Can't insert if there is extrafields mandatory on another entity. FIX: error in create object when 2 extra fields are mandatory in 2 different entities FIX: when we create deposit with multi tva, we mustn't add line if amount = 0 (example when we have a 100% reduc on one of origin invoice line) FIX: wrong redirect link on holiday refuse NEW: Add more complete error messages in log on stripe payments


FIX: #11013
FIX: #11041
FIX: actioncomm: sort events by date after external calendars and hook (into 7.0)
FIX: better test
FIX: Combo list was limited to 20 in stock correction
FIX: Confusion between expired and late
FIX: Cursor pointer in payment screen for autofill
FIX: CVE-2019-11199
FIX: CVE-2019-11200
FIX: CVE-2019-11201
FIX: Default value on form to send email
FIX: error messages not displayed
FIX: Massive debug in lettering function
FIX: missing compatibility with multicompany
FIX: missing global $user
FIX: missing situation invoice in list
FIX: MultiEntity in lettering functionality
FIX: Product accountancey sell intra code must be visible if main feature level 1
FIX: ref for table without ref manager are set to NULL.
FIX: Sending email to mass actions send same email on same customer
FIX: Several fixes on import of services/products
FIX: shipping default warehouse if only one warehouse
FIX: sortfield on lettering function
FIX: Status of opportunity should never be -1
FIX: test to display create invoice button on supplier_order card
FIX: The autocopy feature was ko for suppliers
FIX: Total per day in timespent per week
FIX: Total per day shows 00:00 if the total time spent is equal to 12:00
FIX: Update/delete currency on same languages
FIX: Wrong variable name make contact of supplier order not used on PDF.
FIX: Add hidden option MAIN_PDF_HIDE_SITUATION to hide situation (quick hack to fix output pb).
1 Like


FIX: #5249
FIX: #11025
FIX: #11032
FIX: #11097
FIX: #11169
FIX: #11202
FIX: #11244
FIX: #11296
FIX: #11316
FIX: #11335
FIX: Add missing end date of subscription in export
FIX: A user may read holiday and expense report without permissions
FIX: better syntax
FIX: condition
FIX: confirmation of mass email sending + option MAILING_NO_USING_PHPMAIL
FIX: crabe pdf: bad detailed VAT for situation invoices, in situations S2 and above
FIX: default value for duration of validity can be set from generic
FIX: do not include tpl from disabled modules
FIX: Error management when MAILING_NO_USING_PHPMAIL is set
FIX: Even with permission, can't validate leave once validator defined.
FIX: extrafield list search: SQL error when field is multiselect
FIX: if last char of customercode is accent making the truncate of first
FIX: Import of chart of account
FIX: in edit mode, dictionary inputs do not escape the string inside the 'value' attribute, causing errors if there are any double quotes
FIX: invalid link on user.fk_user
FIX: invoice class: bad SQL request if product type not set
FIX: javascript error when ckeditor module not enabled
FIX: mail presend: can overwrite a file previously uploaded (Issue #11056)
FIX: mass send mail
FIX: missing compatibility with multicompany transverse mode
FIX: missing llx_const encrypt
FIX: modulebuilder: hardcoded llx_
FIX: Not showing Contract and Project columns on ficheinter list
FIX: only profid1 to 4 were editable for pdf option to show. Not 5 and 6.
FIX: productaccount buylist with pages
FIX: remove isolated transaction commit
FIX: security (a user can read leave or holiday of other without perm.
FIX: situation invoices: bad detailed VAT in situations following the first one
FIX: situation invoices: block progress percentage change for discount lines
FIX: syntax error
FIX: the id was not loaded in fetch of accounting system
FIX: try to use WHERE EXISTS instead of DISTINCT
FIX: use dol_sanitizeFileName() function to remove double spaces in filenames, as well as done on document.php when we want to download pdf
FIX: Use of cron with multicompany
FIX: var name
FIX: we need to fetch fourn invoice with ref in current entity
FIX: Wrong stock movement on supplier credit notes
FIX: Import of record in ledger