Doliwoo? for woocomerce

Anyone has tried that plugin?
On gitHub
Author CSalvador describes it as “a Wordpress plugin acting as an interface between WooCommerce and Dolibarr”


wow !!!
i’ve just test it; it’s impressive !

So maybe you could help me configure it:

what should be written on the conf.php as entity or category and generic ID??

‘entity’=>’’); //entity ID of your Dolibarr user, needed if you use the multicompany module
$category_id = // the ID of your category in Dolibarr
$generic_id = // the ID of the generic user in Dolibarr


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Wow interesting… do you have some screenshots or explanations ?

Hello Everyone… It seems a great module but, doesn’t it diserve a bit more explanations ?


I tested the plugin. It is still in development. This is a Wordpress plugin, not a Dolibarr plugin. No plugin is required in Dolibarr side so far.


- Wordpress + Woocommerce installed, in i.e. http://localhost/wordpress/
- Dolibarr installed, i.e. http://localhost/dolibarr/htdocs/
- Ensure products and order modules are enabled in Dolibarr.
- Define a product category in Dolibarr, i.e. ‘WEB’. In case this is the first category you define the id will be ‘1’. If you already defined product categories you can get the id from the ‘llx_categorie’ table in database.
- Define new products and assign them this category. Only products in this category will be exported to Woocommerce.
- Create a user to be used as web service link. Call the user ‘webservice’ for example.
- Assign rights to this user to view, create and modify any kind of document or product. A password is required to use this user. Get the user id from ‘Ref’ field in the User Card.

Doliwoo installation

- Unzip in wordpress plugin folder, i.e. wordpress/wp-content/plugins/doliwoo
- Create conf.php file with user and product category info:


<?php $webservs_url = 'http://localhost/dolibarr/htdocs/webservices/'; // If not a page, should end with / $ns = ''; $authentication = array( 'dolibarrkey'=> '0123456789qwertyuiop', 'sourceapplication'=>'Doliwoo', 'login'=>'webservice', 'password'=> '12345', 'entity'=>'1'); $category_id = '1'; // Category ID (get the created product category id from llx_categorie) $generic_id = '2'; // Web service user id (get the Ref. from User card)[/code] Functionality ------------- \- Once products are created in Dolibarr using the 'WEB' category you can activate Doliwoo plugin in Wordpress. At the moment of activation the products are imported to Woocommerce. After that, a cron job will import the new products (daily). \- Also VAT tax definitions will be imported to Woocommerce. But only for France (pending improvement...) \- Create an Order in Woocommerce. The order will be exported to Dolibarr. \- Users from Woocommerce will be exported to Dolibarr at the time of order exporting. However, only if the user was previously logged in. In case you create the Woocommerce account at the time of checkout, it will not work (bug... pending improvement...). For testing, you should first create the user account, log in and afterwards create the order and proceed with the checkout. Problems I found ---------------- \- So far taxes are only managed for France \- User is not exported when the account is created at the time of checkout. \- Tax is not correctly included in the exported order (I did not checked deeply...). What other problems did you find? Let's create a bug list for this module and let's contribute to improve it :cheer:

I forgot to mention that ‘WebServices’ module needs to be enabled and configured in Dolibarr too! :tongue:

Enable module

Home > Setup > Modules > Interfaces modules > WebServices

Configure module

Write the same key you used in conf.php file to set the ‘Key to use Web Services’ parameter.

Thank you so much for all these explanations, maybe it can be integrated in wiki, or in the github’s readme of csalvador?
creating a project in Doliforge could be the perfect way to report bugs, or open issues in csalavador github ?


I created a new branch in GitHub and modified the file with this explanation. I also made a Pull Request.

i’ve got a little problem, my product are imported to woocommerce but orders are not imported in dolibarr. I tried creating an account before proceeding with the order but nothing to do. I disable and active doliwoo but still no order.

I think Doliwoo is a “mirage” :wink:
There is not opic anywhere about it except here…

Hi all,

Thanks for the interest you have in our plugin.

It’s been developed for our internal usage. Please keep in mind it is in early alpha and has not been tested thoroughly.
The project is now maintained at
The old repository is from a former employee and will be deleted soon.

Please report any bug or feature request in the project issues
We also kindly accept contributions through pull requests.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

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Hi there

I have an already existing woocomerce shop, will this plugin would allow to pull products, categories, etc… from woocommerce to Dolibarr ?
I tried an xml export, convert to csv for import in dolibarr and the result wasn’t usable.

So for an pre existing shop an export to dolibarr would be great too ! :wink:

Hi, this feature is not yet available.
Please open a feature request issue at and I’ll get in touch with you ASAP.

Thanks to the explanations here i managed to set up Doliwoo to my Woocommerce site, so thanks.
But still have some questions:
-how to force the actualization? I mean to force the Importation when i need, not waiting for a day…
Anyone knows how to so that?

This feature is not available yet.
I’ve added it as an enhancement

Hi everyone.

I know you’ve been waiting for long but the wait is (almost) over!

We finally have a first beta release available for you to test.

Grab it while it’s hot:

Please report any issues you may encounter at

Looking forward to your feedback.

I keep you uptodate on the changelog, because this new module, even free, is really attractive and could attract many many users from Wordrpress, the giant.

Very good idea :happy:

New versions include fixes :


* Even better logging
* Fixed thirdparties creation (prevented Dolibarr order creation for logged-in users)


* Better logging on unexpected SOAP responses
@@ -120,6 +123,10 @@ You may allow insecure requests by tweaking the source code if you know what you


Upgrade required.

+Critical bug preventing thirdparties and order creations for logged-in users fixed.

hello :smiley:
(before opening an issue)

is there the possibility to sync products IN and OUT movements (sells and refunds) from WooCommerce to Dolibarr?
can I also synchronize all stock information such as (price, description, quantity, etc) both from WC to Doli and from Doli to WC?

Looking forward

No, not yet.

Please check the current features at and

Feel free to suggest or pull request improvements :wink: