Add Autofill Remainder Amount to Expense Report

Amending code your code using the method below will enable the feature only in the current version that you are using. If you upgrade your Dolibarr version, then this code will be automatically erased (and the feature will be removed). Unless the feature below has been included in the core, you would need to apply this code again in your new version. Always backup the files mentioned before manually changing any code.
[tt]This has been accepted to be part of the core (maybe from v10) but it’s quite easy to implement. I’ve tested this on my v7.0.4.[/tt][/b]

Add Autofill Remainder Amount to Expense Report Payment Page

What this does:

When making a payment in an expense report, the remainder to pay field shows a clickable arrow which autofills the remainder amount, thus saving you from typing it in. You may be familiar with this functionality around other parts of Dolibarr in recent versions.

How to do it:

In file:


Before line: [tt](around line 186)[/tt]

print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("DoPayment"));


// autofill remainder amount
if (! empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax))
print “\n”.’’;
//Add js for AutoFill
print ’ $(document).ready(function () {’;
print ’ $(".AutoFillAmount").on(

Then, Replace: [tt](around line 298 or 311)[/tt]

print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'">';


$nameRemain = "remain_".$objp->id; // autofill remainder amount if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) // autofill remainder amount print img_picto("Auto fill",'rightarrow', "class='AutoFillAmount' data-rowid='".$namef."' data-value='".($objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid)."'"); // autofill remainder amount $remaintopay=$objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid; // autofill remainder amount print '<input type=hidden class="sum_remain" name="'.$nameRemain.'" value="'.$remaintopay.'">'; // autofill remainder amount print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'" id="'.$namef.'">'; click touchstart

Then, Replace: [tt](around line 298 or 311)[/tt]

print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'">';


$nameRemain = "remain_".$objp->id; // autofill remainder amount if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) // autofill remainder amount print img_picto("Auto fill",'rightarrow', "class='AutoFillAmount' data-rowid='".$namef."' data-value='".($objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid)."'"); // autofill remainder amount $remaintopay=$objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid; // autofill remainder amount print '<input type=hidden class="sum_remain" name="'.$nameRemain.'" value="'.$remaintopay.'">'; // autofill remainder amount print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'" id="'.$namef.'">'; , function(){
var amount = $(this).data(“value”);

Then, Replace: [tt](around line 298 or 311)[/tt]

print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'">';


$nameRemain = "remain_".$objp->id; // autofill remainder amount if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) // autofill remainder amount print img_picto("Auto fill",'rightarrow', "class='AutoFillAmount' data-rowid='".$namef."' data-value='".($objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid)."'"); // autofill remainder amount $remaintopay=$objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid; // autofill remainder amount print '<input type=hidden class="sum_remain" name="'.$nameRemain.'" value="'.$remaintopay.'">'; // autofill remainder amount print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'" id="'.$namef.'">'; rowid

Then, Replace: [tt](around line 298 or 311)[/tt]

print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'">';


$nameRemain = "remain_".$objp->id; // autofill remainder amount
			if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) // autofill remainder amount
					print img_picto("Auto fill",'rightarrow', "class='AutoFillAmount' data-rowid='".$namef."' data-value='".($objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid)."'"); // autofill remainder amount
			$remaintopay=$objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid; // autofill remainder amount
			print '<input type=hidden class="sum_remain" name="'.$nameRemain.'" value="'.$remaintopay.'">'; // autofill remainder amount
			print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'" id="'.$namef.'">';
[/code])).value = amount ;
			print '	});'."\n";
			print '	</script>'."\n";

Then, Replace: [tt](around line 298 or 311)[/tt]

print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'">';


$nameRemain = "remain_".$objp->id; // autofill remainder amount
			if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) // autofill remainder amount
					print img_picto("Auto fill",'rightarrow', "class='AutoFillAmount' data-rowid='".$namef."' data-value='".($objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid)."'"); // autofill remainder amount
			$remaintopay=$objp->total_ttc - $sumpaid; // autofill remainder amount
			print '<input type=hidden class="sum_remain" name="'.$nameRemain.'" value="'.$remaintopay.'">'; // autofill remainder amount
			print '<input type="text" size="8" name="'.$namef.'" id="'.$namef.'">';

just add this code and you will solve your problem.

public function runtrigger ( $ action , $ object , $ user , $ langs , $ conf )
// Put here the code to execute in response to the action
// The type of event Dolibarr is stored in $ action
// The data of the action are stored in $ object
// The configuration, user and language are in $ conf, $ user and $ lang
if ( $ action == ‘COMPANY_CREATE’ )
dol_syslog ( "Trigger for action ’ $ action ’ launched. id = " . $ object -> id);
elseif ( $ action == ‘COMPANY_MODIFY’ )
dol_syslog ( "Trigger for action ’ $ action ’ launched. id = ’ . $ object -> id );
elseif ( $ action == ‘COMPANY_DELETE’ )