2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modules.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Scan directory /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/htdocs/core/modules/ for module descriptor files (modXXX.class.php) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Module modCollab not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Module modDataPolicy not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propal' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propaldet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contrat' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Module modHRM not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG User::loadParentOf 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_user as id_parent, rowid as id_son FROM llx_user WHERE fk_user <> 0 AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG User::get_full_tree get user list 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.fk_user, u.fk_soc, u.login, u.email, u.gender, u.admin, u.statut, u.photo, u.entity FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG User::get_full_tree call to build_path_from_id_user 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=1 protection=0 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=2 protection=0 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG User::get_full_tree dol_sort_array 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Build childid for id = 2 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Module modDeplacement not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facturedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseurdet' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expensereport' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Module modZapier not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commandedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Module modWebServicesClient not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'holiday' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Module modLabel not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Module modPaymentByBankTransfer not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bom' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bomline' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 INFO Module modReceiptPrinter not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinter' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinterdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT code, label, description FROM llx_c_action_trigger ORDER by rang 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:41 INFO Module modAsset not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:41 INFO Module modDocumentGeneration not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'reception' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur_dispatch' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:41 INFO Module modReception not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:41 INFO Module modDynamicPrices not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expedition' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expeditiondet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:41 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modules.php 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modulehelp.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Scan directory /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/htdocs/core/modules/ for module descriptor files (modXXX.class.php) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modCollab not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modDataPolicy not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propal' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propaldet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contrat' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modHRM not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG User::loadParentOf 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_user as id_parent, rowid as id_son FROM llx_user WHERE fk_user <> 0 AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG User::get_full_tree get user list 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.fk_user, u.fk_soc, u.login, u.email, u.gender, u.admin, u.statut, u.photo, u.entity FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG User::get_full_tree call to build_path_from_id_user 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=1 protection=0 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=2 protection=0 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG User::get_full_tree dol_sort_array 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Build childid for id = 2 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modDeplacement not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facturedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseurdet' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expensereport' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modZapier not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commandedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modWebServicesClient not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'holiday' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modLabel not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modPaymentByBankTransfer not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bom' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bomline' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modReceiptPrinter not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinter' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinterdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT code, label, description FROM llx_c_action_trigger ORDER by rang 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modAsset not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modDocumentGeneration not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'reception' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur_dispatch' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modReception not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO Module modDynamicPrices not qualified 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expedition' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expeditiondet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG modSyslog::getLastActiveDate 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT tms FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'MAIN_MODULE_SYSLOG' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG modSyslog::getLastActiveDate 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT tms, note FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'MAIN_MODULE_SYSLOG' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:05:47 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IS NOT NULL AND u.rowid = 2 ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:05:47 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modulehelp.php 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modulehelp.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO Scan directory /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/htdocs/core/modules/ for module descriptor files (modXXX.class.php) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO Module modCollab not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO Module modDataPolicy not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propal' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propaldet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contrat' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO Module modHRM not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG User::loadParentOf 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_user as id_parent, rowid as id_son FROM llx_user WHERE fk_user <> 0 AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG User::get_full_tree get user list 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.fk_user, u.fk_soc, u.login, u.email, u.gender, u.admin, u.statut, u.photo, u.entity FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG User::get_full_tree call to build_path_from_id_user 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=1 protection=0 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=2 protection=0 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG User::get_full_tree dol_sort_array 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO Build childid for id = 2 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO Module modDeplacement not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facturedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseurdet' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expensereport' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO Module modZapier not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commandedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO Module modWebServicesClient not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'holiday' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:05 INFO Module modLabel not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:06 INFO Module modPaymentByBankTransfer not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bom' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bomline' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 INFO Module modReceiptPrinter not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinter' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinterdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT code, label, description FROM llx_c_action_trigger ORDER by rang 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:06 INFO Module modAsset not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:06 INFO Module modDocumentGeneration not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'reception' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur_dispatch' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 INFO Module modReception not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:06:06 INFO Module modDynamicPrices not qualified 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expedition' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expeditiondet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG modSyslog::getLastActiveDate 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT tms FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'MAIN_MODULE_SYSLOG' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG modSyslog::getLastActiveDate 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT tms, note FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'MAIN_MODULE_SYSLOG' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:06:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IS NOT NULL AND u.rowid = 2 ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:06:06 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/htdocs/syslog/sql/ types=files recursive=0 filter=llx.*\.sql excludefilter=["\\.key\\.sql"] 2020-07-10 22:06:06 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modulehelp.php 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modulehelp.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Scan directory /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/htdocs/core/modules/ for module descriptor files (modXXX.class.php) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modCollab not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modDataPolicy not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propal' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propaldet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contrat' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modHRM not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG User::loadParentOf 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_user as id_parent, rowid as id_son FROM llx_user WHERE fk_user <> 0 AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG User::get_full_tree get user list 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.fk_user, u.fk_soc, u.login, u.email, u.gender, u.admin, u.statut, u.photo, u.entity FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG User::get_full_tree call to build_path_from_id_user 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=1 protection=0 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=2 protection=0 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG User::get_full_tree dol_sort_array 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Build childid for id = 2 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modDeplacement not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facturedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseurdet' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expensereport' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modZapier not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commandedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modWebServicesClient not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'holiday' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modLabel not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modPaymentByBankTransfer not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bom' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bomline' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modReceiptPrinter not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinter' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinterdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT code, label, description FROM llx_c_action_trigger ORDER by rang 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modAsset not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modDocumentGeneration not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'reception' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur_dispatch' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modReception not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO Module modDynamicPrices not qualified 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expedition' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expeditiondet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG modSyslog::getLastActiveDate 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT tms FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'MAIN_MODULE_SYSLOG' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG modSyslog::getLastActiveDate 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT tms, note FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'MAIN_MODULE_SYSLOG' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-10 22:07:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IS NOT NULL AND u.rowid = 2 ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:06 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modulehelp.php 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:07:35 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/syslog.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG admin.lib::dolibarr_get_const 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT value as value FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'SYSLOG_FACILITY' AND entity = 0 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG admin.lib::dolibarr_get_const 2020-07-10 22:07:35 DEBUG sql=SELECT value as value FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'SYSLOG_FILE' AND entity = 0 2020-07-10 22:07:35 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/syslog.php 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:08:02 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php - action=add, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG BEGIN Transaction 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG PaymentVarious::create 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=INSERT INTO llx_payment_various ( datep, datev, sens, amount, fk_typepayment, num_payment, label, accountancy_code, subledger_account, fk_projet, fk_user_author, datec, fk_bank, entity) VALUES ('2020-05-29 12:00:00', '2020-05-29 12:00:00', '1', 1102.5, '2', 'ERROR CORRECTION102526870739', '29.05.2020', '7000', '', 0, 2, '2020-07-10 22:08:02', NULL, 1) 2020-07-10 22:08:02 ERR DoliDBMysqli::query SQL Error message: DB_ERROR_1364 Field 'ref' doesn't have a default value 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG ROLLBACK Transaction 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label FROM llx_bank_categ WHERE entity = 1 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG Form::select_comptes 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, bank, clos as status, currency_code FROM llx_bank_account WHERE entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG Form::select_types_paiements 2, paymenttype, , 0 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG Form::load_cache_types_paiements 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT id, code, libelle as label, type, active FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'CHE' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'LCR' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'PPL' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG FormAccounting::select_account 2020-07-10 22:08:02 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT aa.account_number, aa.label, aa.labelshort, aa.rowid, aa.fk_pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_account as aa INNER JOIN llx_accounting_system as asy ON aa.fk_pcg_version = asy.pcg_version AND asy.rowid = 32 AND aa.active = 1 AND aa.entity=1 ORDER BY aa.account_number 2020-07-10 22:08:02 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php 2020-07-10 22:08:14 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:08:14 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:08:14 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:08:14 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:08:14 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:08:14 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:08:14 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:08:14 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/document.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:08:14 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:08:14 INFO modulepart=logs original_file=dolibarr.log entity=1 2020-07-10 22:08:14 INFO document.php download /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/dolibarr.log filename=dolibarr.log content-type=text/plain 2020-07-10 22:08:14 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/document.php 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:12:00 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php - action=add, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG BEGIN Transaction 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG PaymentVarious::create 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=INSERT INTO llx_payment_various ( datep, datev, sens, amount, fk_typepayment, num_payment, label, accountancy_code, subledger_account, fk_projet, fk_user_author, datec, fk_bank, entity) VALUES ('2020-05-29 12:00:00', '2020-05-29 12:00:00', '1', 1102.5, '2', 'ERROR CORRECTION102526870739', '29.05.2020', '7000', '', 0, 2, '2020-07-10 22:12:00', NULL, 1) 2020-07-10 22:12:00 ERR DoliDBMysqli::query SQL Error message: DB_ERROR_1364 Field 'ref' doesn't have a default value 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG ROLLBACK Transaction 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label FROM llx_bank_categ WHERE entity = 1 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG Form::select_comptes 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, bank, clos as status, currency_code FROM llx_bank_account WHERE entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG Form::select_types_paiements 2, paymenttype, , 0 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG Form::load_cache_types_paiements 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT id, code, libelle as label, type, active FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'CHE' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'LCR' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'PPL' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG FormAccounting::select_account 2020-07-10 22:12:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT aa.account_number, aa.label, aa.labelshort, aa.rowid, aa.fk_pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_account as aa INNER JOIN llx_accounting_system as asy ON aa.fk_pcg_version = asy.pcg_version AND asy.rowid = 32 AND aa.active = 1 AND aa.entity=1 ORDER BY aa.account_number 2020-07-10 22:12:00 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:14:31 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php - action=add, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG BEGIN Transaction 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG PaymentVarious::create 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=INSERT INTO llx_payment_various ( datep, datev, sens, amount, fk_typepayment, num_payment, label, accountancy_code, subledger_account, fk_projet, fk_user_author, datec, fk_bank, entity) VALUES ('2020-05-29 12:00:00', '2020-05-29 12:00:00', '1', 1102.5, '2', '', '29.05.2020', '7000', '', 0, 2, '2020-07-10 22:14:31', NULL, 1) 2020-07-10 22:14:31 ERR DoliDBMysqli::query SQL Error message: DB_ERROR_1364 Field 'ref' doesn't have a default value 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG ROLLBACK Transaction 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label FROM llx_bank_categ WHERE entity = 1 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG Form::select_comptes 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, bank, clos as status, currency_code FROM llx_bank_account WHERE entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG Form::select_types_paiements 2, paymenttype, , 0 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG Form::load_cache_types_paiements 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT id, code, libelle as label, type, active FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'CHE' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'LCR' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'PPL' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG FormAccounting::select_account 2020-07-10 22:14:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT aa.account_number, aa.label, aa.labelshort, aa.rowid, aa.fk_pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_account as aa INNER JOIN llx_accounting_system as asy ON aa.fk_pcg_version = asy.pcg_version AND asy.rowid = 32 AND aa.active = 1 AND aa.entity=1 ORDER BY aa.account_number 2020-07-10 22:14:31 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:15:06 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php - action=add, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG BEGIN Transaction 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG PaymentVarious::create 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=INSERT INTO llx_payment_various ( datep, datev, sens, amount, fk_typepayment, num_payment, label, accountancy_code, subledger_account, fk_projet, fk_user_author, datec, fk_bank, entity) VALUES ('2020-05-29 12:00:00', '2020-05-29 12:00:00', '1', 1102.5, '2', '', 'Error Correction', '7000', '', 0, 2, '2020-07-10 22:15:06', NULL, 1) 2020-07-10 22:15:06 ERR DoliDBMysqli::query SQL Error message: DB_ERROR_1364 Field 'ref' doesn't have a default value 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG ROLLBACK Transaction 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label FROM llx_bank_categ WHERE entity = 1 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG Form::select_comptes 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, bank, clos as status, currency_code FROM llx_bank_account WHERE entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG Form::select_types_paiements 2, paymenttype, , 0 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG Form::load_cache_types_paiements 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT id, code, libelle as label, type, active FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'CHE' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'LCR' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'PPL' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG FormAccounting::select_account 2020-07-10 22:15:06 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT aa.account_number, aa.label, aa.labelshort, aa.rowid, aa.fk_pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_account as aa INNER JOIN llx_accounting_system as asy ON aa.fk_pcg_version = asy.pcg_version AND asy.rowid = 32 AND aa.active = 1 AND aa.entity=1 ORDER BY aa.account_number 2020-07-10 22:15:06 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:16:10 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php - action=add, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG BEGIN Transaction 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG PaymentVarious::create 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=INSERT INTO llx_payment_various ( datep, datev, sens, amount, fk_typepayment, num_payment, label, accountancy_code, subledger_account, fk_projet, fk_user_author, datec, fk_bank, entity) VALUES ('2020-05-29 12:00:00', '2020-05-29 12:00:00', '1', 1102.5, '2', 'Error Correction', 'Error Correction', '7000', '', 0, 2, '2020-07-10 22:16:10', NULL, 1) 2020-07-10 22:16:10 ERR DoliDBMysqli::query SQL Error message: DB_ERROR_1364 Field 'ref' doesn't have a default value 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG ROLLBACK Transaction 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label FROM llx_bank_categ WHERE entity = 1 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG Form::select_comptes 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, bank, clos as status, currency_code FROM llx_bank_account WHERE entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG Form::select_types_paiements 2, paymenttype, , 0 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG Form::load_cache_types_paiements 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT id, code, libelle as label, type, active FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'CHE' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'LCR' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'PPL' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG FormAccounting::select_account 2020-07-10 22:16:10 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT aa.account_number, aa.label, aa.labelshort, aa.rowid, aa.fk_pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_account as aa INNER JOIN llx_accounting_system as asy ON aa.fk_pcg_version = asy.pcg_version AND asy.rowid = 32 AND aa.active = 1 AND aa.entity=1 ORDER BY aa.account_number 2020-07-10 22:16:10 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php 2020-07-10 22:16:38 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:16:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:16:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:16:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:16:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:16:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:16:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:16:38 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/document.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:16:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:16:38 INFO modulepart=logs original_file=dolibarr.log entity=1 2020-07-10 22:16:38 INFO document.php download /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/dolibarr.log filename=dolibarr.log content-type=text/plain 2020-07-10 22:16:38 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/document.php 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG InfoBox::listBoxes get default box list for mode=activated userid=2 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.position, b.box_order, b.fk_user, d.rowid as box_id, d.file, d.note, d.tms FROM llx_boxes as b, llx_boxes_def as d WHERE b.box_id = d.rowid AND b.entity IN (0,1) AND b.position = 0 AND b.fk_user IN (0,2) ORDER BY b.box_order 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.type, f.datef as df, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid as facid, sum(pf.amount) as am FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_paiement_facture as pf ON f.rowid=pf.fk_facture WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.paye = 0 AND fk_statut = 1 GROUP BY s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement, f.type, f.datef, f.total, f.tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid ORDER BY datelimite ASC, f.ref ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG Translate::loadCacheCurrencies 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT code_iso, label, unicode FROM llx_c_currencies WHERE active = 1 AND code_iso = 'CAD' 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_factures_imp::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.datef as df, f.total_ht as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.type FROM llx_societe as s,llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 AND f.paye=0 AND fk_statut = 1 ORDER BY datelimite DESC, f.ref_supplier DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_factures_fourn_imp::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG box_comptes::loadBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.ref, b.label, b.bank,b.number, b.courant, b.clos, b.rappro, b.url, b.code_banque, b.code_guichet, b.cle_rib, b.bic, b.iban_prefix as iban, b.domiciliation, b.proprio, b.owner_address, b.account_number, b.currency_code, b.min_allowed, b.min_desired, comment, b.fk_accountancy_journal, aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as b LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=b.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE b.entity = 1 AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 3 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 4 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_comptes::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_fournisseur, s.email, s.logo, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datef as df, f.datec as datec, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.tms, f.type FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=44 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=44 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 44 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=34 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=34 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 34 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=43 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=43 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 43 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_factures_fourn::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, c.rowid, c.ref, c.tms, c.date_commande, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc, c.fk_statut FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_supplier_orders::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as contract_status, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, cd.rowid as cdid, cd.label, cd.description, cd.tms as datem, cd.statut, cd.product_type as type, cd.date_fin_validite as date_line, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as plabel, p.fk_product_type as ptype, p.entity, p.tobuy, p.tosell FROM (llx_societe as s INNER JOIN llx_contrat as c ON s.rowid = c.fk_soc INNER JOIN llx_contratdet as cd ON c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON cd.fk_product = p.rowid) WHERE c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_services_contracts::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.type, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.datef as df, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datec, f.tms, s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.code_client, s.email, s.tva_intra, s.code_compta, s.siren as idprof1, s.siret as idprof2, s.ape as idprof3, s.idprof4, s.idprof5, s.idprof6, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite FROM (llx_societe as s,llx_facture as f) WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_factures::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=60000 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_graph_invoices_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.ref, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.fk_price_expression, p.entity FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) ORDER BY p.datec DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_COM/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_COM' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_CA/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_CA' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WEBHOST/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WEBHOST' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/Shipping/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/Shipping' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WM7000/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WM7000' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_produits::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.price, p.ref, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export, SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) as total_stock FROM llx_product as p LEFT JOIN llx_product_stock as s on p.rowid = s.fk_product WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.tosell = 1 AND p.seuil_stock_alerte > 0 GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.label, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export HAVING SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) < p.seuil_stock_alerte ORDER BY p.seuil_stock_alerte DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_produits_alerte_stock::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO FactureStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=4 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO PropaleStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/PropaleStats_getAllByProductEntry_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=2 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO CommandeStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_graph_product_distribution::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.code_fournisseur, s.email as semail, s.logo, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_fournisseurs::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG box_clients::loadBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_clients::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG box_prospect::loadBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.email, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.logo, s.fk_stcomm, s.datec, s.tms, s.status FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (2, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_prospect::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sp.rowid as id, sp.lastname, sp.firstname, sp.civility as civility_id, sp.datec, sp.tms, sp.fk_soc, sp.statut as status, sp.address, sp.zip, sp.town, sp.phone, sp.phone_perso, sp.phone_mobile, sp.email as spemail, s.nom as socname, s.name_alias, s.email as semail, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, co.label as country, co.code as country_code FROM llx_socpeople as sp LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as co ON sp.fk_pays = co.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON sp.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE sp.entity IN (1) ORDER BY sp.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_contacts::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.logo, s.email, c.ref, c.tms, c.rowid, c.date_commande, c.ref_client, c.fk_statut, c.fk_user_valid, c.facture, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_commandes::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_graph_orders_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.datec, c.fin_validite, c.date_cloture, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier FROM llx_societe as s, llx_contrat as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG Contrat::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.label as product_label, p.description as product_desc, p.ref as product_ref, d.rowid, d.fk_contrat, d.statut, d.description, d.price_ht, d.vat_src_code, d.tva_tx, d.localtax1_tx, d.localtax2_tx, d.localtax1_type, d.localtax2_type, d.qty, d.remise_percent, d.subprice, d.fk_product_fournisseur_price as fk_fournprice, d.buy_price_ht as pa_ht, d.total_ht, d.total_tva, d.total_localtax1, d.total_localtax2, d.total_ttc, d.info_bits, d.fk_product, d.date_ouverture_prevue, d.date_ouverture, d.date_fin_validite, d.date_cloture, d.fk_user_author, d.fk_user_ouverture, d.fk_user_cloture, d.fk_unit FROM llx_contratdet as d LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON d.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE d.fk_contrat = 2 ORDER by d.rowid ASC 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_contracts::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, MIN(cd.date_fin_validite) as date_line, COUNT(cd.rowid) as nb_services FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_societe s, llx_contratdet as cd WHERE cd.statut = 4 AND cd.date_fin_validite <= '2020-07-10 22:20:21' AND c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_soc=s.rowid AND cd.fk_contrat=c.rowid AND c.statut > 0 GROUP BY c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur ORDER BY date_line ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_services_expired::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=50000 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(u.rowid) as nb FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.statut > 0 AND u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb, s.client FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1,2,3) AND s.entity IN (1) GROUP BY s.client 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(sp.rowid) as nb FROM llx_socpeople as sp WHERE sp.entity IN (1) AND (sp.priv='0' OR (sp.priv='1' AND sp.fk_user_creat=2)) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_propal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(c.rowid) as nb FROM llx_contrat as c LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON c.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE c.entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.date_livraison as delivery_date, c.fk_statut, c.total_ht FROM llx_commande as c WHERE c.entity IN (1) AND ((c.fk_statut IN (1,2)) OR (c.fk_statut = 3 AND c.facture = 0)) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut IN (1, 2) 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut = 3 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_ouverture_prevue as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 0 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_fin_validite as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 4 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.date_lim_reglement as datefin,f.fk_statut, f.total FROM llx_facture as f WHERE f.paye=0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT ff.rowid, ff.date_lim_reglement as datefin, ff.fk_statut FROM llx_facture_fourn as ff WHERE ff.paye=0 AND ff.fk_statut > 0 AND ff.entity = 1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(ba.rowid) as nb FROM llx_bank_account as ba WHERE ba.rappro > 0 and ba.clos = 0 AND ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.courant != 2 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.rappro=0 AND b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND (ba.rappro = 1 AND ba.courant != 2) AND clos = 0 2020-07-10 22:20:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.fk_type = 'CHQ' AND b.fk_bordereau = 0 AND b.amount > 0 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/viewimage.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO modulepart=mycompany original_file=logos/thumbs/jcbi_w1000_mini.png entity=1 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO viewimage.php return file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/mycompany/logos/thumbs/jcbi_w1000_mini.png filename=jcbi_w1000_mini.png content-type=image/png 2020-07-10 22:20:21 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/viewimage.php 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG InfoBox::listBoxes get default box list for mode=activated userid=2 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.position, b.box_order, b.fk_user, d.rowid as box_id, d.file, d.note, d.tms FROM llx_boxes as b, llx_boxes_def as d WHERE b.box_id = d.rowid AND b.entity IN (0,1) AND b.position = 0 AND b.fk_user IN (0,2) ORDER BY b.box_order 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.type, f.datef as df, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid as facid, sum(pf.amount) as am FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_paiement_facture as pf ON f.rowid=pf.fk_facture WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.paye = 0 AND fk_statut = 1 GROUP BY s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement, f.type, f.datef, f.total, f.tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid ORDER BY datelimite ASC, f.ref ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG Translate::loadCacheCurrencies 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT code_iso, label, unicode FROM llx_c_currencies WHERE active = 1 AND code_iso = 'CAD' 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_factures_imp::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.datef as df, f.total_ht as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.type FROM llx_societe as s,llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 AND f.paye=0 AND fk_statut = 1 ORDER BY datelimite DESC, f.ref_supplier DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_factures_fourn_imp::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG box_comptes::loadBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.ref, b.label, b.bank,b.number, b.courant, b.clos, b.rappro, b.url, b.code_banque, b.code_guichet, b.cle_rib, b.bic, b.iban_prefix as iban, b.domiciliation, b.proprio, b.owner_address, b.account_number, b.currency_code, b.min_allowed, b.min_desired, comment, b.fk_accountancy_journal, aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as b LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=b.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE b.entity = 1 AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 3 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 4 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_comptes::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_fournisseur, s.email, s.logo, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datef as df, f.datec as datec, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.tms, f.type FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=44 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=44 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 44 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=34 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=34 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 34 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=43 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=43 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 43 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_factures_fourn::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, c.rowid, c.ref, c.tms, c.date_commande, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc, c.fk_statut FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_supplier_orders::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as contract_status, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, cd.rowid as cdid, cd.label, cd.description, cd.tms as datem, cd.statut, cd.product_type as type, cd.date_fin_validite as date_line, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as plabel, p.fk_product_type as ptype, p.entity, p.tobuy, p.tosell FROM (llx_societe as s INNER JOIN llx_contrat as c ON s.rowid = c.fk_soc INNER JOIN llx_contratdet as cd ON c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON cd.fk_product = p.rowid) WHERE c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_services_contracts::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.type, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.datef as df, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datec, f.tms, s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.code_client, s.email, s.tva_intra, s.code_compta, s.siren as idprof1, s.siret as idprof2, s.ape as idprof3, s.idprof4, s.idprof5, s.idprof6, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite FROM (llx_societe as s,llx_facture as f) WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_factures::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=60000 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_graph_invoices_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.ref, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.fk_price_expression, p.entity FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) ORDER BY p.datec DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_COM/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_COM' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_CA/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_CA' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WEBHOST/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WEBHOST' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/Shipping/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/Shipping' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WM7000/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WM7000' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_produits::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.price, p.ref, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export, SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) as total_stock FROM llx_product as p LEFT JOIN llx_product_stock as s on p.rowid = s.fk_product WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.tosell = 1 AND p.seuil_stock_alerte > 0 GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.label, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export HAVING SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) < p.seuil_stock_alerte ORDER BY p.seuil_stock_alerte DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_produits_alerte_stock::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO FactureStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=4 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO PropaleStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/PropaleStats_getAllByProductEntry_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=2 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO CommandeStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_graph_product_distribution::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.code_fournisseur, s.email as semail, s.logo, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_fournisseurs::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG box_clients::loadBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_clients::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG box_prospect::loadBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.email, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.logo, s.fk_stcomm, s.datec, s.tms, s.status FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (2, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_prospect::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT sp.rowid as id, sp.lastname, sp.firstname, sp.civility as civility_id, sp.datec, sp.tms, sp.fk_soc, sp.statut as status, sp.address, sp.zip, sp.town, sp.phone, sp.phone_perso, sp.phone_mobile, sp.email as spemail, s.nom as socname, s.name_alias, s.email as semail, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, co.label as country, co.code as country_code FROM llx_socpeople as sp LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as co ON sp.fk_pays = co.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON sp.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE sp.entity IN (1) ORDER BY sp.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_contacts::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.logo, s.email, c.ref, c.tms, c.rowid, c.date_commande, c.ref_client, c.fk_statut, c.fk_user_valid, c.facture, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_commandes::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_graph_orders_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.datec, c.fin_validite, c.date_cloture, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier FROM llx_societe as s, llx_contrat as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG Contrat::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.label as product_label, p.description as product_desc, p.ref as product_ref, d.rowid, d.fk_contrat, d.statut, d.description, d.price_ht, d.vat_src_code, d.tva_tx, d.localtax1_tx, d.localtax2_tx, d.localtax1_type, d.localtax2_type, d.qty, d.remise_percent, d.subprice, d.fk_product_fournisseur_price as fk_fournprice, d.buy_price_ht as pa_ht, d.total_ht, d.total_tva, d.total_localtax1, d.total_localtax2, d.total_ttc, d.info_bits, d.fk_product, d.date_ouverture_prevue, d.date_ouverture, d.date_fin_validite, d.date_cloture, d.fk_user_author, d.fk_user_ouverture, d.fk_user_cloture, d.fk_unit FROM llx_contratdet as d LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON d.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE d.fk_contrat = 2 ORDER by d.rowid ASC 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_contracts::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, MIN(cd.date_fin_validite) as date_line, COUNT(cd.rowid) as nb_services FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_societe s, llx_contratdet as cd WHERE cd.statut = 4 AND cd.date_fin_validite <= '2020-07-10 23:05:04' AND c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_soc=s.rowid AND cd.fk_contrat=c.rowid AND c.statut > 0 GROUP BY c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur ORDER BY date_line ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_services_expired::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=50000 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(u.rowid) as nb FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.statut > 0 AND u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb, s.client FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1,2,3) AND s.entity IN (1) GROUP BY s.client 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(sp.rowid) as nb FROM llx_socpeople as sp WHERE sp.entity IN (1) AND (sp.priv='0' OR (sp.priv='1' AND sp.fk_user_creat=2)) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_propal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(c.rowid) as nb FROM llx_contrat as c LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON c.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE c.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.date_livraison as delivery_date, c.fk_statut, c.total_ht FROM llx_commande as c WHERE c.entity IN (1) AND ((c.fk_statut IN (1,2)) OR (c.fk_statut = 3 AND c.facture = 0)) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut IN (1, 2) 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut = 3 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_ouverture_prevue as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 0 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_fin_validite as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 4 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.date_lim_reglement as datefin,f.fk_statut, f.total FROM llx_facture as f WHERE f.paye=0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT ff.rowid, ff.date_lim_reglement as datefin, ff.fk_statut FROM llx_facture_fourn as ff WHERE ff.paye=0 AND ff.fk_statut > 0 AND ff.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(ba.rowid) as nb FROM llx_bank_account as ba WHERE ba.rappro > 0 and ba.clos = 0 AND ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.courant != 2 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.rappro=0 AND b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND (ba.rappro = 1 AND ba.courant != 2) AND clos = 0 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.fk_type = 'CHQ' AND b.fk_bordereau = 0 AND b.amount > 0 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/core/js/lib_head.js.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 23:05:04 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 23:05:04 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/core/js/lib_head.js.php 2020-07-10 23:05:05 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/core/js/lib_foot.js.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 23:05:05 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 23:05:05 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/core/js/lib_foot.js.php 2020-07-10 23:05:05 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/viewimage.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 23:05:05 INFO modulepart=mycompany original_file=logos/thumbs/jcbi_w1000_mini.png entity=1 2020-07-10 23:05:05 INFO viewimage.php return file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/mycompany/logos/thumbs/jcbi_w1000_mini.png filename=jcbi_w1000_mini.png content-type=image/png 2020-07-10 23:05:05 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/viewimage.php 2020-07-10 23:05:12 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 23:05:12 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 23:05:12 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:12 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:12 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 23:05:12 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:12 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:12 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 23:05:12 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 23:05:12 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG InfoBox::listBoxes get default box list for mode=activated userid=2 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.position, b.box_order, b.fk_user, d.rowid as box_id, d.file, d.note, d.tms FROM llx_boxes as b, llx_boxes_def as d WHERE b.box_id = d.rowid AND b.entity IN (0,1) AND b.position = 0 AND b.fk_user IN (0,2) ORDER BY b.box_order 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.type, f.datef as df, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid as facid, sum(pf.amount) as am FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_paiement_facture as pf ON f.rowid=pf.fk_facture WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.paye = 0 AND fk_statut = 1 GROUP BY s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement, f.type, f.datef, f.total, f.tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid ORDER BY datelimite ASC, f.ref ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG Translate::loadCacheCurrencies 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT code_iso, label, unicode FROM llx_c_currencies WHERE active = 1 AND code_iso = 'CAD' 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_factures_imp::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.datef as df, f.total_ht as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.type FROM llx_societe as s,llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 AND f.paye=0 AND fk_statut = 1 ORDER BY datelimite DESC, f.ref_supplier DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_factures_fourn_imp::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG box_comptes::loadBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.ref, b.label, b.bank,b.number, b.courant, b.clos, b.rappro, b.url, b.code_banque, b.code_guichet, b.cle_rib, b.bic, b.iban_prefix as iban, b.domiciliation, b.proprio, b.owner_address, b.account_number, b.currency_code, b.min_allowed, b.min_desired, comment, b.fk_accountancy_journal, aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as b LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=b.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE b.entity = 1 AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 3 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 4 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_comptes::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_fournisseur, s.email, s.logo, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datef as df, f.datec as datec, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.tms, f.type FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=44 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=44 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 44 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=34 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=34 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 34 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=43 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=43 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 43 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_factures_fourn::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, c.rowid, c.ref, c.tms, c.date_commande, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc, c.fk_statut FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_supplier_orders::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as contract_status, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, cd.rowid as cdid, cd.label, cd.description, cd.tms as datem, cd.statut, cd.product_type as type, cd.date_fin_validite as date_line, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as plabel, p.fk_product_type as ptype, p.entity, p.tobuy, p.tosell FROM (llx_societe as s INNER JOIN llx_contrat as c ON s.rowid = c.fk_soc INNER JOIN llx_contratdet as cd ON c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON cd.fk_product = p.rowid) WHERE c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_services_contracts::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.type, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.datef as df, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datec, f.tms, s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.code_client, s.email, s.tva_intra, s.code_compta, s.siren as idprof1, s.siret as idprof2, s.ape as idprof3, s.idprof4, s.idprof5, s.idprof6, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite FROM (llx_societe as s,llx_facture as f) WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_factures::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=60000 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_graph_invoices_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.ref, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.fk_price_expression, p.entity FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) ORDER BY p.datec DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_COM/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_COM' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_CA/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_CA' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WEBHOST/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WEBHOST' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/Shipping/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/Shipping' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WM7000/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WM7000' AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_produits::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.price, p.ref, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export, SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) as total_stock FROM llx_product as p LEFT JOIN llx_product_stock as s on p.rowid = s.fk_product WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.tosell = 1 AND p.seuil_stock_alerte > 0 GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.label, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export HAVING SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) < p.seuil_stock_alerte ORDER BY p.seuil_stock_alerte DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_produits_alerte_stock::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO FactureStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=4 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO PropaleStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/PropaleStats_getAllByProductEntry_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=2 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO CommandeStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_graph_product_distribution::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.code_fournisseur, s.email as semail, s.logo, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_fournisseurs::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG box_clients::loadBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_clients::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG box_prospect::loadBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.email, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.logo, s.fk_stcomm, s.datec, s.tms, s.status FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (2, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_prospect::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT sp.rowid as id, sp.lastname, sp.firstname, sp.civility as civility_id, sp.datec, sp.tms, sp.fk_soc, sp.statut as status, sp.address, sp.zip, sp.town, sp.phone, sp.phone_perso, sp.phone_mobile, sp.email as spemail, s.nom as socname, s.name_alias, s.email as semail, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, co.label as country, co.code as country_code FROM llx_socpeople as sp LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as co ON sp.fk_pays = co.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON sp.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE sp.entity IN (1) ORDER BY sp.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_contacts::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.logo, s.email, c.ref, c.tms, c.rowid, c.date_commande, c.ref_client, c.fk_statut, c.fk_user_valid, c.facture, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_commandes::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_graph_orders_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.datec, c.fin_validite, c.date_cloture, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier FROM llx_societe as s, llx_contrat as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG Contrat::fetch_lines 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.label as product_label, p.description as product_desc, p.ref as product_ref, d.rowid, d.fk_contrat, d.statut, d.description, d.price_ht, d.vat_src_code, d.tva_tx, d.localtax1_tx, d.localtax2_tx, d.localtax1_type, d.localtax2_type, d.qty, d.remise_percent, d.subprice, d.fk_product_fournisseur_price as fk_fournprice, d.buy_price_ht as pa_ht, d.total_ht, d.total_tva, d.total_localtax1, d.total_localtax2, d.total_ttc, d.info_bits, d.fk_product, d.date_ouverture_prevue, d.date_ouverture, d.date_fin_validite, d.date_cloture, d.fk_user_author, d.fk_user_ouverture, d.fk_user_cloture, d.fk_unit FROM llx_contratdet as d LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON d.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE d.fk_contrat = 2 ORDER by d.rowid ASC 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_contracts::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, MIN(cd.date_fin_validite) as date_line, COUNT(cd.rowid) as nb_services FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_societe s, llx_contratdet as cd WHERE cd.statut = 4 AND cd.date_fin_validite <= '2020-07-10 23:05:13' AND c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_soc=s.rowid AND cd.fk_contrat=c.rowid AND c.statut > 0 GROUP BY c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur ORDER BY date_line ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_services_expired::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594353040. 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=50000 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(u.rowid) as nb FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.statut > 0 AND u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb, s.client FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1,2,3) AND s.entity IN (1) GROUP BY s.client 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(sp.rowid) as nb FROM llx_socpeople as sp WHERE sp.entity IN (1) AND (sp.priv='0' OR (sp.priv='1' AND sp.fk_user_creat=2)) 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_propal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(c.rowid) as nb FROM llx_contrat as c LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON c.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE c.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.date_livraison as delivery_date, c.fk_statut, c.total_ht FROM llx_commande as c WHERE c.entity IN (1) AND ((c.fk_statut IN (1,2)) OR (c.fk_statut = 3 AND c.facture = 0)) 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut IN (1, 2) 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut = 3 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_ouverture_prevue as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 0 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_fin_validite as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 4 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.date_lim_reglement as datefin,f.fk_statut, f.total FROM llx_facture as f WHERE f.paye=0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT ff.rowid, ff.date_lim_reglement as datefin, ff.fk_statut FROM llx_facture_fourn as ff WHERE ff.paye=0 AND ff.fk_statut > 0 AND ff.entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(ba.rowid) as nb FROM llx_bank_account as ba WHERE ba.rappro > 0 and ba.clos = 0 AND ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.courant != 2 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.rappro=0 AND b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND (ba.rappro = 1 AND ba.courant != 2) AND clos = 0 2020-07-10 23:05:13 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.fk_type = 'CHQ' AND b.fk_bordereau = 0 AND b.amount > 0 2020-07-10 23:05:13 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php 2020-07-10 23:05:21 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 23:05:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 23:05:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 23:05:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:21 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 23:05:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 23:05:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:21 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/index.php 2020-07-10 23:05:25 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 23:05:25 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 23:05:25 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:25 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:25 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 23:05:25 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:25 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:25 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/tools/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 23:05:25 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 23:05:25 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:25 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/tools/index.php 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:29 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/system/dolibarr.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SHOW VARIABLES where variable_name = 'system_time_zone' 2020-07-10 23:05:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, name as name, value as value, type, note, entity FROM llx_const WHERE entity IN (0,1) ORDER BY entity, name ASC 2020-07-10 23:05:29 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/system/dolibarr.php 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-10 23:05:33 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/system/database.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_database' 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database' 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SHOW VARIABLES 2020-07-10 23:05:33 DEBUG sql=SHOW STATUS 2020-07-10 23:05:33 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/system/database.php 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php - action= - actionlogin= - showing the login form and exit 2020-07-11 01:20:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/theme/md/style.css.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:20:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/theme/md/style.css.php 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/core/js/lib_head.js.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:20:41 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/core/js/lib_head.js.php 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/viewimage.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO modulepart=mycompany original_file=logos/thumbs/jcbi_small.png entity=1 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO viewimage.php return file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/mycompany/logos/thumbs/jcbi_small.png filename=jcbi_small.png content-type=image/png 2020-07-11 01:20:41 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/viewimage.php 2020-07-11 01:20:55 INFO checkLoginPassEntity usertotest=Gert entitytotest=1 authmode=dolibarr 2020-07-11 01:20:55 INFO functions_dolibarr::check_user_password_dolibarr usertotest=Gert passwordtotest=****************************** entitytotest=1 2020-07-11 01:20:55 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, login, entity, pass, pass_crypted FROM llx_user WHERE (login = 'Gert') AND entity IN (0,1) AND statut = 1 ORDER BY entity DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO functions_dolibarr::check_user_password_dolibarr Authentification ok - md5 of pass is ok 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO This is a new started user session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert Session id=dclubj7ahelmerpbl6sm3l3qua 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG BEGIN Transaction 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG User::update_last_login_date user->id=2 UPDATE llx_user SET datepreviouslogin = datelastlogin, datelastlogin = '2020-07-11 01:20:56', tms = tms WHERE rowid = 2 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=UPDATE llx_user SET datepreviouslogin = datelastlogin, datelastlogin = '2020-07-11 01:20:56', tms = tms WHERE rowid = 2 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO Trigger 'Logevents' for action 'USER_LOGIN' launched by /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/htdocs/core/triggers/interface_20_all_Logevents.class.php. id=2 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG Events::create 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=INSERT INTO llx_events(type,entity,ip,user_agent,dateevent,fk_user,description,prefix_session) VALUES ( 'USER_LOGIN', 1, '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36', '2020-07-11 01:20:56', '2', '(UserLogged,Gert) - TZ=-5;TZString=America/Toronto;Screen=2400x1150', '84ac7a32db0f264bb5059b6f2c1aaea4') 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG COMMIT Transaction 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG InfoBox::listBoxes get default box list for mode=activated userid=2 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.position, b.box_order, b.fk_user, d.rowid as box_id, d.file, d.note, d.tms FROM llx_boxes as b, llx_boxes_def as d WHERE b.box_id = d.rowid AND b.entity IN (0,1) AND b.position = 0 AND b.fk_user IN (0,2) ORDER BY b.box_order 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.type, f.datef as df, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid as facid, sum(pf.amount) as am FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_paiement_facture as pf ON f.rowid=pf.fk_facture WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.paye = 0 AND fk_statut = 1 GROUP BY s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement, f.type, f.datef, f.total, f.tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid ORDER BY datelimite ASC, f.ref ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG Translate::loadCacheCurrencies 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT code_iso, label, unicode FROM llx_c_currencies WHERE active = 1 AND code_iso = 'CAD' 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_factures_imp::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.datef as df, f.total_ht as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.type FROM llx_societe as s,llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 AND f.paye=0 AND fk_statut = 1 ORDER BY datelimite DESC, f.ref_supplier DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_factures_fourn_imp::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG box_comptes::loadBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.ref, b.label, b.bank,b.number, b.courant, b.clos, b.rappro, b.url, b.code_banque, b.code_guichet, b.cle_rib, b.bic, b.iban_prefix as iban, b.domiciliation, b.proprio, b.owner_address, b.account_number, b.currency_code, b.min_allowed, b.min_desired, comment, b.fk_accountancy_journal, aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as b LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=b.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE b.entity = 1 AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 3 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 4 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_comptes::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_fournisseur, s.email, s.logo, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datef as df, f.datec as datec, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.tms, f.type FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=44 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=44 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 44 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=34 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=34 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 34 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=43 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=43 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 43 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_factures_fourn::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, c.rowid, c.ref, c.tms, c.date_commande, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc, c.fk_statut FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_supplier_orders::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as contract_status, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, cd.rowid as cdid, cd.label, cd.description, cd.tms as datem, cd.statut, cd.product_type as type, cd.date_fin_validite as date_line, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as plabel, p.fk_product_type as ptype, p.entity, p.tobuy, p.tosell FROM (llx_societe as s INNER JOIN llx_contrat as c ON s.rowid = c.fk_soc INNER JOIN llx_contratdet as cd ON c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON cd.fk_product = p.rowid) WHERE c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_services_contracts::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.type, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.datef as df, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datec, f.tms, s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.code_client, s.email, s.tva_intra, s.code_compta, s.siren as idprof1, s.siret as idprof2, s.ape as idprof3, s.idprof4, s.idprof5, s.idprof6, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite FROM (llx_societe as s,llx_facture as f) WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_factures::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureStats::_getNbByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(f.datef,'%m') as dm, COUNT(*) as nb FROM llx_facture as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-12-31 23:59:59' AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND (f.fk_statut <> 3 OR f.close_code <> 'replaced') AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureStats::_getNbByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(f.datef,'%m') as dm, COUNT(*) as nb FROM llx_facture as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND (f.fk_statut <> 3 OR f.close_code <> 'replaced') AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureStats::_getAmountByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(datef,'%m') as dm, SUM(f.total) FROM llx_facture as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-12-31 23:59:59' AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND (f.fk_statut <> 3 OR f.close_code <> 'replaced') AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureStats::_getAmountByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(datef,'%m') as dm, SUM(f.total) FROM llx_facture as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND (f.fk_statut <> 3 OR f.close_code <> 'replaced') AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=60000 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_graph_invoices_permonth::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.ref, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.fk_price_expression, p.entity FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) ORDER BY p.datec DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_COM/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_COM' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_CA/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_CA' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WEBHOST/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WEBHOST' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/Shipping/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/Shipping' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WM7000/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WM7000' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_produits::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.price, p.ref, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export, SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) as total_stock FROM llx_product as p LEFT JOIN llx_product_stock as s on p.rowid = s.fk_product WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.tosell = 1 AND p.seuil_stock_alerte > 0 GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.label, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export HAVING SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) < p.seuil_stock_alerte ORDER BY p.seuil_stock_alerte DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_produits_alerte_stock::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getAllByProductEntry cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureStats::_getAllByProduct 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT product.ref, COUNT(product.ref) as nb, SUM(tl.total_ht) as total, AVG(tl.total_ht) as avg FROM llx_facture as f, llx_facturedet as tl, llx_product as product WHERE f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND (f.fk_statut <> 3 OR f.close_code <> 'replaced') AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) AND f.rowid = tl.fk_facture AND tl.fk_product = product.rowid AND f.datef BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' GROUP BY product.ref ORDER BY nb DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getAllByProductEntry save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=4 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO PropaleStats::getAllByProductEntry cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/PropaleStats_getAllByProductEntry_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG PropaleStats::_getAllByProduct 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT product.ref, COUNT(product.ref) as nb, SUM(tl.total_ht) as total, AVG(tl.total_ht) as avg FROM llx_propal as p, llx_propaldet as tl, llx_product as product WHERE p.fk_statut > 0 AND p.entity IN (1) AND p.rowid = tl.fk_propal AND tl.fk_product = product.rowid AND p.datep BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' GROUP BY product.ref ORDER BY nb DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO PropaleStats::getAllByProductEntry save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/PropaleStats_getAllByProductEntry_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=2 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getAllByProductEntry cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG CommandeStats::_getAllByProduct 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT product.ref, COUNT(product.ref) as nb, SUM(tl.total_ht) as total, AVG(tl.total_ht) as avg FROM llx_commande as c, llx_commandedet as tl, llx_product as product WHERE c.fk_statut > 0 AND c.entity IN (1) AND c.rowid = tl.fk_commande AND tl.fk_product = product.rowid AND c.date_commande BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' GROUP BY product.ref ORDER BY nb DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getAllByProductEntry save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_graph_product_distribution::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.code_fournisseur, s.email as semail, s.logo, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_fournisseurs::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG CommandeStats::_getNbByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(c.date_commande,'%m') as dm, COUNT(*) as nb FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.date_commande BETWEEN '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-12-31 23:59:59' AND c.fk_statut > 2 AND c.entity IN (1) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG CommandeStats::_getNbByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(c.date_commande,'%m') as dm, COUNT(*) as nb FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.date_commande BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' AND c.fk_statut > 2 AND c.entity IN (1) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG CommandeStats::_getAmountByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(c.date_commande,'%m') as dm, SUM(c.total_ht) FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.date_commande BETWEEN '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-12-31 23:59:59' AND c.fk_statut > 2 AND c.entity IN (1) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG CommandeStats::_getAmountByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(c.date_commande,'%m') as dm, SUM(c.total_ht) FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.date_commande BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' AND c.fk_statut > 2 AND c.entity IN (1) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG box_clients::loadBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_clients::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG box_prospect::loadBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.email, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.logo, s.fk_stcomm, s.datec, s.tms, s.status FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (2, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_prospect::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT sp.rowid as id, sp.lastname, sp.firstname, sp.civility as civility_id, sp.datec, sp.tms, sp.fk_soc, sp.statut as status, sp.address, sp.zip, sp.town, sp.phone, sp.phone_perso, sp.phone_mobile, sp.email as spemail, s.nom as socname, s.name_alias, s.email as semail, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, co.label as country, co.code as country_code FROM llx_socpeople as sp LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as co ON sp.fk_pays = co.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON sp.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE sp.entity IN (1) ORDER BY sp.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_contacts::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.logo, s.email, c.ref, c.tms, c.rowid, c.date_commande, c.ref_client, c.fk_statut, c.fk_user_valid, c.facture, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_commandes::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG CommandeStats::_getNbByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(c.date_commande,'%m') as dm, COUNT(*) as nb FROM llx_commande as c WHERE c.date_commande BETWEEN '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-12-31 23:59:59' AND c.fk_statut > 0 AND c.entity IN (1) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG CommandeStats::_getNbByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(c.date_commande,'%m') as dm, COUNT(*) as nb FROM llx_commande as c WHERE c.date_commande BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' AND c.fk_statut > 0 AND c.entity IN (1) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG CommandeStats::_getAmountByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(c.date_commande,'%m') as dm, SUM(c.total_ht) FROM llx_commande as c WHERE c.date_commande BETWEEN '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-12-31 23:59:59' AND c.fk_statut > 0 AND c.entity IN (1) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG CommandeStats::_getAmountByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(c.date_commande,'%m') as dm, SUM(c.total_ht) FROM llx_commande as c WHERE c.date_commande BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' AND c.fk_statut > 0 AND c.entity IN (1) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_graph_orders_permonth::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.datec, c.fin_validite, c.date_cloture, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier FROM llx_societe as s, llx_contrat as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG Contrat::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.label as product_label, p.description as product_desc, p.ref as product_ref, d.rowid, d.fk_contrat, d.statut, d.description, d.price_ht, d.vat_src_code, d.tva_tx, d.localtax1_tx, d.localtax2_tx, d.localtax1_type, d.localtax2_type, d.qty, d.remise_percent, d.subprice, d.fk_product_fournisseur_price as fk_fournprice, d.buy_price_ht as pa_ht, d.total_ht, d.total_tva, d.total_localtax1, d.total_localtax2, d.total_ttc, d.info_bits, d.fk_product, d.date_ouverture_prevue, d.date_ouverture, d.date_fin_validite, d.date_cloture, d.fk_user_author, d.fk_user_ouverture, d.fk_user_cloture, d.fk_unit FROM llx_contratdet as d LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON d.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE d.fk_contrat = 2 ORDER by d.rowid ASC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_contracts::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, MIN(cd.date_fin_validite) as date_line, COUNT(cd.rowid) as nb_services FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_societe s, llx_contratdet as cd WHERE cd.statut = 4 AND cd.date_fin_validite <= '2020-07-11 01:20:56' AND c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_soc=s.rowid AND cd.fk_contrat=c.rowid AND c.statut > 0 GROUP BY c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur ORDER BY date_line ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_services_expired::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureStats::_getNbByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(f.datef,'%m') as dm, COUNT(*) as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-12-31 23:59:59' AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureStats::_getNbByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(f.datef,'%m') as dm, COUNT(*) as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1594444856 - 86400) so we can't use it. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureStats::_getAmountByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(datef,'%m') as dm, SUM(f.total_ht) FROM llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-12-31 23:59:59' AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG FactureStats::_getAmountByMonth 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT date_format(datef,'%m') as dm, SUM(f.total_ht) FROM llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-12-31 23:59:59' AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear save cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache onto disk. 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=50000 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(u.rowid) as nb FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.statut > 0 AND u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb, s.client FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1,2,3) AND s.entity IN (1) GROUP BY s.client 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(sp.rowid) as nb FROM llx_socpeople as sp WHERE sp.entity IN (1) AND (sp.priv='0' OR (sp.priv='1' AND sp.fk_user_creat=2)) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_propal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(c.rowid) as nb FROM llx_contrat as c LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON c.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE c.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.date_livraison as delivery_date, c.fk_statut, c.total_ht FROM llx_commande as c WHERE c.entity IN (1) AND ((c.fk_statut IN (1,2)) OR (c.fk_statut = 3 AND c.facture = 0)) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut IN (1, 2) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut = 3 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_ouverture_prevue as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 0 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_fin_validite as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 4 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.date_lim_reglement as datefin,f.fk_statut, f.total FROM llx_facture as f WHERE f.paye=0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT ff.rowid, ff.date_lim_reglement as datefin, ff.fk_statut FROM llx_facture_fourn as ff WHERE ff.paye=0 AND ff.fk_statut > 0 AND ff.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(ba.rowid) as nb FROM llx_bank_account as ba WHERE ba.rappro > 0 and ba.clos = 0 AND ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.courant != 2 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.rappro=0 AND b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND (ba.rappro = 1 AND ba.courant != 2) AND clos = 0 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.fk_type = 'CHQ' AND b.fk_bordereau = 0 AND b.amount > 0 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/theme/md/style.css.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IS NOT NULL AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/theme/md/style.css.php 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/core/js/lib_foot.js.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:20:56 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/core/js/lib_foot.js.php 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/viewimage.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO modulepart=mycompany original_file=logos/thumbs/jcbi_w1000_mini.png entity=1 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO viewimage.php return file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/mycompany/logos/thumbs/jcbi_w1000_mini.png filename=jcbi_w1000_mini.png content-type=image/png 2020-07-11 01:20:56 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/viewimage.php 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:20 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/tools/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:21:20 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/tools/index.php 2020-07-11 01:21:20 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/theme/md/style.css.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IS NOT NULL AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:20 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:20 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/theme/md/style.css.php 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:29 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/list.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bank_account' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.label, b.courant, b.rappro, b.account_number, b.fk_accountancy_journal, b.currency_code, b.datec as date_creation, b.tms as date_update FROM llx_bank_account as b WHERE b.entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY b.label ASC 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.label, b.courant, b.rappro, b.account_number, b.fk_accountancy_journal, b.currency_code, b.datec as date_creation, b.tms as date_update FROM llx_bank_account as b WHERE b.entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY b.label ASC LIMIT 26 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 3 AND dateo <= '2020-07-11 01:21:29' 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG AccountingAccount::fetch sql=SELECT a.rowid as rowid, a.datec, a.tms, a.fk_pcg_version, a.pcg_type, a.account_number, a.account_parent, a.label, a.labelshort, a.fk_accounting_category, a.fk_user_author, a.fk_user_modif, a.active, a.reconcilable, ca.label as category_label FROM llx_accounting_account as a LEFT JOIN llx_c_accounting_category as ca ON a.fk_accounting_category = ca.rowid WHERE a.account_number = '1100' AND a.entity = 1 AND a.fk_pcg_version IN (SELECT pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_system WHERE rowid=32) 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT a.rowid as rowid, a.datec, a.tms, a.fk_pcg_version, a.pcg_type, a.account_number, a.account_parent, a.label, a.labelshort, a.fk_accounting_category, a.fk_user_author, a.fk_user_modif, a.active, a.reconcilable, ca.label as category_label FROM llx_accounting_account as a LEFT JOIN llx_c_accounting_category as ca ON a.fk_accounting_category = ca.rowid WHERE a.account_number = '1100' AND a.entity = 1 AND a.fk_pcg_version IN (SELECT pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_system WHERE rowid=32) 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG AccountingJournal::fetch sql=SELECT rowid, code, label, nature, active FROM llx_accounting_journal WHERE rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, code, label, nature, active FROM llx_accounting_journal WHERE rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.rappro=0 AND b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND (ba.rappro = 1 AND ba.courant != 2) AND clos = 0 AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG Translate::loadCacheCurrencies 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT code_iso, label, unicode FROM llx_c_currencies WHERE active = 1 AND code_iso = 'CAD' 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 4 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 4 AND dateo <= '2020-07-11 01:21:29' 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG AccountingAccount::fetch sql=SELECT a.rowid as rowid, a.datec, a.tms, a.fk_pcg_version, a.pcg_type, a.account_number, a.account_parent, a.label, a.labelshort, a.fk_accounting_category, a.fk_user_author, a.fk_user_modif, a.active, a.reconcilable, ca.label as category_label FROM llx_accounting_account as a LEFT JOIN llx_c_accounting_category as ca ON a.fk_accounting_category = ca.rowid WHERE a.account_number = '1110' AND a.entity = 1 AND a.fk_pcg_version IN (SELECT pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_system WHERE rowid=32) 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT a.rowid as rowid, a.datec, a.tms, a.fk_pcg_version, a.pcg_type, a.account_number, a.account_parent, a.label, a.labelshort, a.fk_accounting_category, a.fk_user_author, a.fk_user_modif, a.active, a.reconcilable, ca.label as category_label FROM llx_accounting_account as a LEFT JOIN llx_c_accounting_category as ca ON a.fk_accounting_category = ca.rowid WHERE a.account_number = '1110' AND a.entity = 1 AND a.fk_pcg_version IN (SELECT pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_system WHERE rowid=32) 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG AccountingJournal::fetch sql=SELECT rowid, code, label, nature, active FROM llx_accounting_journal WHERE rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, code, label, nature, active FROM llx_accounting_journal WHERE rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.rappro=0 AND b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND (ba.rappro = 1 AND ba.courant != 2) AND clos = 0 AND ba.rowid = 4 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 5 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 5 AND dateo <= '2020-07-11 01:21:29' 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG AccountingAccount::fetch sql=SELECT a.rowid as rowid, a.datec, a.tms, a.fk_pcg_version, a.pcg_type, a.account_number, a.account_parent, a.label, a.labelshort, a.fk_accounting_category, a.fk_user_author, a.fk_user_modif, a.active, a.reconcilable, ca.label as category_label FROM llx_accounting_account as a LEFT JOIN llx_c_accounting_category as ca ON a.fk_accounting_category = ca.rowid WHERE a.account_number = '1150' AND a.entity = 1 AND a.fk_pcg_version IN (SELECT pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_system WHERE rowid=32) 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT a.rowid as rowid, a.datec, a.tms, a.fk_pcg_version, a.pcg_type, a.account_number, a.account_parent, a.label, a.labelshort, a.fk_accounting_category, a.fk_user_author, a.fk_user_modif, a.active, a.reconcilable, ca.label as category_label FROM llx_accounting_account as a LEFT JOIN llx_c_accounting_category as ca ON a.fk_accounting_category = ca.rowid WHERE a.account_number = '1150' AND a.entity = 1 AND a.fk_pcg_version IN (SELECT pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_system WHERE rowid=32) 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG AccountingJournal::fetch sql=SELECT rowid, code, label, nature, active FROM llx_accounting_journal WHERE rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, code, label, nature, active FROM llx_accounting_journal WHERE rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:29 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.rappro=0 AND b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND (ba.rappro = 1 AND ba.courant != 2) AND clos = 0 AND ba.rowid = 5 2020-07-11 01:21:30 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/list.php 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:31 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/card.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(dbt.rowid) as nb FROM llx_bank_account as dbt WHERE dbt.rowid IN (3) AND dbt.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bank_account' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(b.num_releve)) as nb FROM llx_bank as b WHERE b.fk_account = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:31 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/bank/Chequing types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(rowid) as nb FROM llx_links WHERE objecttype = 'bank_account' AND objectid = 3 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT MAX(te.ref) FROM llx_bank_account as te WHERE te.ref < 'Chequing' 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT MIN(te.ref) FROM llx_bank_account as te WHERE te.ref > 'Chequing' 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG AccountingAccount::fetch sql=SELECT a.rowid as rowid, a.datec, a.tms, a.fk_pcg_version, a.pcg_type, a.account_number, a.account_parent, a.label, a.labelshort, a.fk_accounting_category, a.fk_user_author, a.fk_user_modif, a.active, a.reconcilable, ca.label as category_label FROM llx_accounting_account as a LEFT JOIN llx_c_accounting_category as ca ON a.fk_accounting_category = ca.rowid WHERE a.account_number = '1100' AND a.entity = 1 AND a.fk_pcg_version IN (SELECT pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_system WHERE rowid=32) 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT a.rowid as rowid, a.datec, a.tms, a.fk_pcg_version, a.pcg_type, a.account_number, a.account_parent, a.label, a.labelshort, a.fk_accounting_category, a.fk_user_author, a.fk_user_modif, a.active, a.reconcilable, ca.label as category_label FROM llx_accounting_account as a LEFT JOIN llx_c_accounting_category as ca ON a.fk_accounting_category = ca.rowid WHERE a.account_number = '1100' AND a.entity = 1 AND a.fk_pcg_version IN (SELECT pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_system WHERE rowid=32) 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG AccountingJournal::fetch sql=SELECT rowid, code, label, nature, active FROM llx_accounting_journal WHERE rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, code, label, nature, active FROM llx_accounting_journal WHERE rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:31 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(rowid) as nb FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account=3 2020-07-11 01:21:31 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/card.php 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:36 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/bankentries_list.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bank_account' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'banktransaction' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label FROM llx_bank_categ WHERE entity = 1 ORDER BY label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(b.num_releve)) as nb FROM llx_bank as b WHERE b.fk_account = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/bank/Chequing types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(rowid) as nb FROM llx_links WHERE objecttype = 'bank_account' AND objectid = 3 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT MAX(te.ref) FROM llx_bank_account as te WHERE te.ref < 'Chequing' 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT MIN(te.ref) FROM llx_bank_account as te WHERE te.ref > 'Chequing' 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.dateo as do, b.datev as dv, b.amount, b.label, b.rappro as conciliated, b.num_releve, b.num_chq, b.fk_account, b.fk_type, ba.rowid as bankid, ba.ref as bankref, bu.url_id, s.nom, s.name_alias, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.email, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur FROM llx_bank_account as ba, llx_bank as b LEFT JOIN llx_bank_url as bu ON bu.fk_bank = b.rowid AND type = 'company' LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON bu.url_id = s.rowid WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.fk_account = 3 ORDER BY b.datev DESC, b.dateo DESC, b.rowid DESC 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG compta/bank/bankentries_list.php 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.dateo as do, b.datev as dv, b.amount, b.label, b.rappro as conciliated, b.num_releve, b.num_chq, b.fk_account, b.fk_type, ba.rowid as bankid, ba.ref as bankref, bu.url_id, s.nom, s.name_alias, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.email, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur FROM llx_bank_account as ba, llx_bank as b LEFT JOIN llx_bank_url as bu ON bu.fk_bank = b.rowid AND type = 'company' LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON bu.url_id = s.rowid WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.fk_account = 3 ORDER BY b.datev DESC, b.dateo DESC, b.rowid DESC LIMIT 26 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Form::select_types_paiements , search_type, , 2 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Form::load_cache_types_paiements 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT id, code, libelle as label, type, active FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'CHE' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'LCR' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'PPL' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT SUM(b.amount) as previoustotal FROM llx_bank_account as ba, llx_bank as b WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.fk_account = 3 AND (b.datev < '2020-07-06 00:00:00' OR (b.datev = '2020-07-06 00:00:00' AND (b.dateo < '2020-07-06 00:00:00' OR (b.dateo = '2020-07-06 00:00:00' AND b.rowid < 298)))) 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bank_account' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 298 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT pf.fk_facture FROM llx_paiement_facture as pf, llx_facture as f WHERE pf.fk_facture = f.rowid AND pf.fk_paiement = 22 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Facture::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid,f.entity,f.ref,f.ref_client,f.ref_ext,f.ref_int,f.type,f.fk_soc, f.tva, f.localtax1, f.localtax2, f.total, f.total_ttc, f.revenuestamp, f.remise_percent, f.remise_absolue, f.remise, f.datef as df, f.date_pointoftax, f.date_lim_reglement as dlr, f.datec as datec, f.date_valid as datev, f.tms as datem, f.note_private, f.note_public, f.fk_statut, f.paye, f.close_code, f.close_note, f.fk_user_author, f.fk_user_valid, f.model_pdf, f.last_main_doc, f.fk_facture_source, f.fk_fac_rec_source, f.fk_mode_reglement, f.fk_cond_reglement, f.fk_projet as fk_project, f.extraparams, f.situation_cycle_ref, f.situation_counter, f.situation_final, f.fk_account, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_tx, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, c.code as cond_reglement_code, c.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, c.libelle_facture as cond_reglement_libelle_doc, f.fk_incoterms, f.location_incoterms, f.module_source, f.pos_source, i.libelle as label_incoterms, f.retained_warranty as retained_warranty, f.retained_warranty_date_limit as retained_warranty_date_limit, f.retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement as retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement FROM llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as c ON f.fk_cond_reglement = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON f.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON f.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE f.rowid=36 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Facture::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT l.rowid, l.fk_facture, l.fk_product, l.fk_parent_line, l.label as custom_label, l.description, l.product_type, l.price, l.qty, l.vat_src_code, l.tva_tx, l.localtax1_tx, l.localtax2_tx, l.localtax1_type, l.localtax2_type, l.remise_percent, l.fk_remise_except, l.subprice, l.situation_percent, l.fk_prev_id, l.rang, l.special_code, l.date_start as date_start, l.date_end as date_end, l.info_bits, l.total_ht, l.total_tva, l.total_localtax1, l.total_localtax2, l.total_ttc, l.fk_code_ventilation, l.fk_product_fournisseur_price as fk_fournprice, l.buy_price_ht as pa_ht, l.fk_unit, l.fk_multicurrency, l.multicurrency_code, l.multicurrency_subprice, l.multicurrency_total_ht, l.multicurrency_total_tva, l.multicurrency_total_ttc, p.ref as product_ref, p.fk_product_type as fk_product_type, p.label as product_label, p.description as product_desc FROM llx_facturedet as l LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON l.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE l.fk_facture = 36 ORDER BY l.rang, l.rowid 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facturedet' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Translate::loadCacheCurrencies 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT code_iso, label, unicode FROM llx_c_currencies WHERE active = 1 AND code_iso = 'CAD' 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 296 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 297 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 295 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 293 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG AccountLine::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datec, b.datev, b.dateo, b.amount, b.label as label, b.fk_account, b.fk_user_author, b.fk_user_rappro, b.fk_type, b.num_releve, b.num_chq, b.rappro, b.note, b.fk_bordereau, b.banque, b.emetteur, ba.ref as bank_account_ref, ba.label as bank_account_label FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.rowid=294 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 292 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 290 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG AccountLine::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datec, b.datev, b.dateo, b.amount, b.label as label, b.fk_account, b.fk_user_author, b.fk_user_rappro, b.fk_type, b.num_releve, b.num_chq, b.rappro, b.note, b.fk_bordereau, b.banque, b.emetteur, ba.ref as bank_account_ref, ba.label as bank_account_label FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.rowid=291 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 289 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 288 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 287 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 286 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 285 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 283 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG AccountLine::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datec, b.datev, b.dateo, b.amount, b.label as label, b.fk_account, b.fk_user_author, b.fk_user_rappro, b.fk_type, b.num_releve, b.num_chq, b.rappro, b.note, b.fk_bordereau, b.banque, b.emetteur, ba.ref as bank_account_ref, ba.label as bank_account_label FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.rowid=284 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 282 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 281 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 280 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 279 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 278 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT pf.fk_facture FROM llx_paiement_facture as pf, llx_facture as f WHERE pf.fk_facture = f.rowid AND pf.fk_paiement = 21 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 277 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 275 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG AccountLine::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datec, b.datev, b.dateo, b.amount, b.label as label, b.fk_account, b.fk_user_author, b.fk_user_rappro, b.fk_type, b.num_releve, b.num_chq, b.rappro, b.note, b.fk_bordereau, b.banque, b.emetteur, ba.ref as bank_account_ref, ba.label as bank_account_label FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.rowid=276 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 274 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 273 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 272 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 271 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::fetch 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT ba.rowid, ba.ref, ba.label, ba.bank, ba.number, ba.courant, ba.clos, ba.rappro, ba.url, ba.code_banque, ba.code_guichet, ba.cle_rib, ba.bic, ba.iban_prefix as iban, ba.domiciliation, ba.proprio, ba.owner_address, ba.state_id, ba.fk_pays as country_id, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal, ba.currency_code, ba.min_allowed, ba.min_desired, ba.comment, ba.datec as date_creation, ba.tms as date_update, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state , aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as ba LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON ba.fk_pays = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON ba.state_id = d.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=ba.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.rowid = 3 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG Account::get_url 2020-07-11 01:21:36 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_bank, url_id, url, label, type FROM llx_bank_url WHERE fk_bank = 270 ORDER BY type, label 2020-07-11 01:21:36 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/bankentries_list.php 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:21:38 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php - action=create, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label FROM llx_bank_categ WHERE entity = 1 ORDER BY label 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG Form::select_comptes 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, bank, clos as status, currency_code FROM llx_bank_account WHERE entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG Form::select_types_paiements , paymenttype, , 0 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG Form::load_cache_types_paiements 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT id, code, libelle as label, type, active FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'CHE' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'LCR' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'PPL' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG FormAccounting::select_account 2020-07-11 01:21:38 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT aa.account_number, aa.label, aa.labelshort, aa.rowid, aa.fk_pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_account as aa INNER JOIN llx_accounting_system as asy ON aa.fk_pcg_version = asy.pcg_version AND asy.rowid = 32 AND aa.active = 1 AND aa.entity=1 ORDER BY aa.account_number 2020-07-11 01:21:38 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:22:48 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php - action=add, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG BEGIN Transaction 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG PaymentVarious::create 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=INSERT INTO llx_payment_various ( datep, datev, sens, amount, fk_typepayment, num_payment, label, accountancy_code, subledger_account, fk_projet, fk_user_author, datec, fk_bank, entity) VALUES ('2020-05-29 12:00:00', '2020-05-29 12:00:00', '1', 1102.5, '2', 'ERROR CORRECTION102526870739', 'ERROR CORRECTION102526870739', '7000', '', 0, 2, '2020-07-11 01:22:48', NULL, 1) 2020-07-11 01:22:48 ERR DoliDBMysqli::query SQL Error message: DB_ERROR_1364 Field 'ref' doesn't have a default value 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG ROLLBACK Transaction 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label FROM llx_bank_categ WHERE entity = 1 ORDER BY label 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG Form::select_comptes 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, bank, clos as status, currency_code FROM llx_bank_account WHERE entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG Form::select_types_paiements 2, paymenttype, , 0 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG Form::load_cache_types_paiements 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT id, code, libelle as label, type, active FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'CHE' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'LCR' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG Translate::getLabelFromKey 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'PPL' AND entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG FormAccounting::select_account 2020-07-11 01:22:48 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT aa.account_number, aa.label, aa.labelshort, aa.rowid, aa.fk_pcg_version FROM llx_accounting_account as aa INNER JOIN llx_accounting_system as asy ON aa.fk_pcg_version = asy.pcg_version AND asy.rowid = 32 AND aa.active = 1 AND aa.entity=1 ORDER BY aa.account_number 2020-07-11 01:22:48 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/compta/bank/various_payment/card.php 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG InfoBox::listBoxes get default box list for mode=activated userid=2 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.position, b.box_order, b.fk_user, d.rowid as box_id, d.file, d.note, d.tms FROM llx_boxes as b, llx_boxes_def as d WHERE b.box_id = d.rowid AND b.entity IN (0,1) AND b.position = 0 AND b.fk_user IN (0,2) ORDER BY b.box_order 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.type, f.datef as df, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid as facid, sum(pf.amount) as am FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_paiement_facture as pf ON f.rowid=pf.fk_facture WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.paye = 0 AND fk_statut = 1 GROUP BY s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.code_client, s.logo, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement, f.type, f.datef, f.total, f.tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.rowid ORDER BY datelimite ASC, f.ref ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG Translate::loadCacheCurrencies 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT code_iso, label, unicode FROM llx_c_currencies WHERE active = 1 AND code_iso = 'CAD' 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_factures_imp::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.datef as df, f.total_ht as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.type FROM llx_societe as s,llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 AND f.paye=0 AND fk_statut = 1 ORDER BY datelimite DESC, f.ref_supplier DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_factures_fourn_imp::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG box_comptes::loadBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.ref, b.label, b.bank,b.number, b.courant, b.clos, b.rappro, b.url, b.code_banque, b.code_guichet, b.cle_rib, b.bic, b.iban_prefix as iban, b.domiciliation, b.proprio, b.owner_address, b.account_number, b.currency_code, b.min_allowed, b.min_desired, comment, b.fk_accountancy_journal, aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as b LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=b.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE b.entity = 1 AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 3 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 4 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_comptes::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_fournisseur, s.email, s.logo, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datef as df, f.datec as datec, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.tms, f.type FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=46 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=46 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 46 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=45 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=45 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 45 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=44 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=44 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 44 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=34 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=34 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 34 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid, t.ref, t.ref_supplier, t.entity, t.type, t.fk_soc, t.datec, t.datef, t.tms, t.libelle as label, t.paye, t.amount, t.remise, t.close_code, t.close_note, t.tva, t.localtax1, t.localtax2, t.total_ht, t.total_tva, t.total_ttc, t.fk_statut, t.fk_user_author, t.fk_user_valid, t.fk_facture_source, t.fk_projet as fk_project, t.fk_cond_reglement, t.fk_account, t.fk_mode_reglement, t.date_lim_reglement, t.note_private, t.note_public, t.model_pdf, t.import_key, t.extraparams, cr.code as cond_reglement_code, cr.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, s.nom as socnom, s.rowid as socid, t.fk_incoterms, t.location_incoterms, i.libelle as label_incoterms, t.fk_multicurrency, t.multicurrency_code, t.multicurrency_tx, t.multicurrency_total_ht, t.multicurrency_total_tva, t.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn as t LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON (t.fk_soc = s.rowid) LEFT JOIN llx_c_payment_term as cr ON t.fk_cond_reglement = cr.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_paiement as p ON t.fk_mode_reglement = p.id LEFT JOIN llx_c_incoterms as i ON t.fk_incoterms = i.rowid WHERE t.rowid=43 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref as ref_supplier, f.description, f.date_start, f.date_end, f.pu_ht, f.pu_ttc, f.qty, f.remise_percent, f.vat_src_code, f.tva_tx, f.localtax1_tx, f.localtax2_tx, f.localtax1_type, f.localtax2_type, f.total_localtax1, f.total_localtax2, f.fk_facture_fourn , f.total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.fk_product, f.product_type, f.info_bits, f.rang, f.special_code, f.fk_parent_line, f.fk_unit, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as label, p.description as product_desc, f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_subprice, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc FROM llx_facture_fourn_det as f LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON f.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE fk_facture_fourn=43 ORDER BY f.rang, f.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 43 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_factures_fourn::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, c.rowid, c.ref, c.tms, c.date_commande, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc, c.fk_statut FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_supplier_orders::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as contract_status, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, cd.rowid as cdid, cd.label, cd.description, cd.tms as datem, cd.statut, cd.product_type as type, cd.date_fin_validite as date_line, p.rowid as product_id, p.ref as product_ref, p.label as plabel, p.fk_product_type as ptype, p.entity, p.tobuy, p.tosell FROM (llx_societe as s INNER JOIN llx_contrat as c ON s.rowid = c.fk_soc INNER JOIN llx_contratdet as cd ON c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON cd.fk_product = p.rowid) WHERE c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_services_contracts::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.type, f.total as total_ht, f.tva as total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.datef as df, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datec, f.tms, s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.code_client, s.email, s.tva_intra, s.code_compta, s.siren as idprof1, s.siret as idprof2, s.ape as idprof3, s.idprof4, s.idprof5, s.idprof6, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite FROM (llx_societe as s,llx_facture as f) WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_factures::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=60000 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_graph_invoices_permonth::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.ref, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.fk_price_expression, p.entity FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) ORDER BY p.datec DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_COM/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_COM' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/DOMAIN_CA/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/DOMAIN_CA' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WEBHOST/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WEBHOST' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/Shipping/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/Shipping' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO files.lib.php::dol_dir_list path=/var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/produit/WM7000/ types=files recursive=0 filter= excludefilter="(\\.meta|_preview.*\\.png)$" 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, label, entity, filename, filepath, fullpath_orig, keywords, cover, gen_or_uploaded, extraparams, date_c, date_m, fk_user_c, fk_user_m, acl, position, share FROM llx_ecm_files WHERE filepath = 'produit/WM7000' AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_produits::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.label, p.price, p.ref, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export, SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) as total_stock FROM llx_product as p LEFT JOIN llx_product_stock as s on p.rowid = s.fk_product WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.tosell = 1 AND p.seuil_stock_alerte > 0 GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.label, p.price, p.price_base_type, p.price_ttc, p.fk_product_type, p.tms, p.tosell, p.tobuy, p.barcode, p.seuil_stock_alerte, p.entity, p.accountancy_code_sell, p.accountancy_code_sell_intra, p.accountancy_code_sell_export, p.accountancy_code_buy, p.accountancy_code_buy_intra, p.accountancy_code_buy_export HAVING SUM(IF(s.reel IS NULL,0,s.reel)) < p.seuil_stock_alerte ORDER BY p.seuil_stock_alerte DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_produits_alerte_stock::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO FactureStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=4 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO PropaleStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/PropaleStats_getAllByProductEntry_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=2 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO CommandeStats::getAllByProductEntry read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_graph_product_distribution::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.code_fournisseur, s.email as semail, s.logo, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_fournisseurs::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG box_clients::loadBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.logo, s.email, s.datec, s.tms, s.status, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_clients::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG box_prospect::loadBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.client, s.email, s.code_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.logo, s.fk_stcomm, s.datec, s.tms, s.status FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (2, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_prospect::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT sp.rowid as id, sp.lastname, sp.firstname, sp.civility as civility_id, sp.datec, sp.tms, sp.fk_soc, sp.statut as status, sp.address, sp.zip, sp.town, sp.phone, sp.phone_perso, sp.phone_mobile, sp.email as spemail, s.nom as socname, s.name_alias, s.email as semail, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, co.label as country, co.code as country_code FROM llx_socpeople as sp LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as co ON sp.fk_pays = co.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON sp.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE sp.entity IN (1) ORDER BY sp.tms DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_contacts::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.code_client, s.logo, s.email, c.ref, c.tms, c.rowid, c.date_commande, c.ref_client, c.fk_statut, c.fk_user_valid, c.facture, c.total_ht, c.tva as total_tva, c.total_ttc FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_commandes::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO CommandeStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=9 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO CommandeStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_customer_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=200000 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_graph_orders_permonth::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.datec, c.fin_validite, c.date_cloture, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier FROM llx_societe as s, llx_contrat as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG Contrat::fetch_lines 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.label as product_label, p.description as product_desc, p.ref as product_ref, d.rowid, d.fk_contrat, d.statut, d.description, d.price_ht, d.vat_src_code, d.tva_tx, d.localtax1_tx, d.localtax2_tx, d.localtax1_type, d.localtax2_type, d.qty, d.remise_percent, d.subprice, d.fk_product_fournisseur_price as fk_fournprice, d.buy_price_ht as pa_ht, d.total_ht, d.total_tva, d.total_localtax1, d.total_localtax2, d.total_ttc, d.info_bits, d.fk_product, d.date_ouverture_prevue, d.date_ouverture, d.date_fin_validite, d.date_cloture, d.fk_user_author, d.fk_user_ouverture, d.fk_user_cloture, d.fk_unit FROM llx_contratdet as d LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON d.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE d.fk_contrat = 2 ORDER by d.rowid ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_contracts::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, MIN(cd.date_fin_validite) as date_line, COUNT(cd.rowid) as nb_services FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_societe s, llx_contratdet as cd WHERE cd.statut = 4 AND cd.date_fin_validite <= '2020-07-11 01:23:21' AND c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_soc=s.rowid AND cd.fk_contrat=c.rowid AND c.statut > 0 GROUP BY c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut, c.date_contrat, c.ref_customer, c.ref_supplier, s.nom, s.rowid, s.email, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur ORDER BY date_line ASC LIMIT 5 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_services_expired::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=6 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO FactureStats::getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear read data from cache file /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_en_CA_entity.1_user2.cache 1594444856. 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO DolGraph::draw_chart this->type= this->MaxValue=50000 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO ModeleBoxes::showBox 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(u.rowid) as nb FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.statut > 0 AND u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb, s.client FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (1,2,3) AND s.entity IN (1) GROUP BY s.client 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(s.rowid) as nb FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(sp.rowid) as nb FROM llx_socpeople as sp WHERE sp.entity IN (1) AND (sp.priv='0' OR (sp.priv='1' AND sp.fk_user_creat=2)) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb, fk_product_type FROM llx_product as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) GROUP BY fk_product_type 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_propal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(p.rowid) as nb FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(co.rowid) as nb FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as co LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON co.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE co.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(f.rowid) as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON f.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE f.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT count(c.rowid) as nb FROM llx_contrat as c LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON c.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE c.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec, p.fin_validite as datefin, p.total_ht FROM llx_propal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.datec as datec FROM llx_supplier_proposal as p WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 2 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.date_livraison as delivery_date, c.fk_statut, c.total_ht FROM llx_commande as c WHERE c.entity IN (1) AND ((c.fk_statut IN (1,2)) OR (c.fk_statut = 3 AND c.facture = 0)) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut IN (1, 2) 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT c.rowid, c.date_creation as datec, c.date_commande, c.fk_statut, c.date_livraison as delivery_date FROM llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.entity = 1 AND c.fk_statut = 3 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_ouverture_prevue as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 0 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT cd.rowid, cd.date_fin_validite as datefin FROM llx_contrat as c, llx_contratdet as cd, llx_societe as s WHERE c.statut = 1 AND c.rowid = cd.fk_contrat AND cd.statut = 4 AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.date_lim_reglement as datefin,f.fk_statut, f.total FROM llx_facture as f WHERE f.paye=0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.fk_statut = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT ff.rowid, ff.date_lim_reglement as datefin, ff.fk_statut FROM llx_facture_fourn as ff WHERE ff.paye=0 AND ff.fk_statut > 0 AND ff.entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT COUNT(ba.rowid) as nb FROM llx_bank_account as ba WHERE ba.rappro > 0 and ba.clos = 0 AND ba.entity IN (1) AND ba.courant != 2 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.rappro=0 AND b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND (ba.rappro = 1 AND ba.courant != 2) AND clos = 0 2020-07-11 01:23:21 DEBUG sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.datev as datefin FROM llx_bank as b, llx_bank_account as ba WHERE b.fk_account = ba.rowid AND ba.entity IN (1) AND b.fk_type = 'CHQ' AND b.fk_bordereau = 0 AND b.amount > 0 2020-07-11 01:23:21 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/index.php 2020-07-11 01:23:22 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:23:22 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:22 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:22 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:22 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:23:22 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:22 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:22 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/tools/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:23:22 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:23:22 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:22 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/tools/index.php 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:27 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/tools/listevents.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:27 DEBUG sql=SELECT e.rowid, e.type, e.ip, e.user_agent, e.dateevent, e.fk_user, e.description, e.prefix_session, u.login FROM llx_events as e LEFT JOIN llx_user as u ON u.rowid = e.fk_user WHERE e.entity IN (1) AND e.dateevent >= '2020-07-01 00:00:00' AND e.dateevent <= '2020-07-11 23:59:59' ORDER BY dateevent DESC LIMIT 26 2020-07-11 01:23:27 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/tools/listevents.php 2020-07-11 01:23:40 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:23:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:23:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:40 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/index.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:23:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:23:40 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:40 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/index.php 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modules.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Scan directory /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/htdocs/core/modules/ for module descriptor files (modXXX.class.php) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modCollab not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'projet_task' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modDataPolicy not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propal' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'propaldet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contrat' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'contratdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modHRM not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG User::loadParentOf 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT fk_user as id_parent, rowid as id_son FROM llx_user WHERE fk_user <> 0 AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG User::get_full_tree get user list 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.fk_user, u.fk_soc, u.login, u.email, u.gender, u.admin, u.statut, u.photo, u.entity FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG User::get_full_tree call to build_path_from_id_user 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=1 protection=0 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG User::build_path_from_id_user id_user=2 protection=0 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG User::get_full_tree dol_sort_array 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Build childid for id = 2 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modDeplacement not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'adherent' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facturedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture_fourn' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseurdet' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expensereport' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modZapier not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commandedet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG useNPR 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.rowid FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.recuperableonly = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax1_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT t.localtax1, t.localtax2 FROM llx_c_tva as t, llx_c_country as c WHERE t.fk_pays = c.rowid AND c.code = 'CA' AND t.active = 1 AND t.localtax2_type <> '0' 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modWebServicesClient not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'holiday' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modLabel not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modPaymentByBankTransfer not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bom' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'bom_bomline' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modReceiptPrinter not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinter' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'fichinterdet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT code, label, description FROM llx_c_action_trigger ORDER by rang 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'societe' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'socpeople' AND entity IN (0, 1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modAsset not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modDocumentGeneration not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='order_supplier' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'reception' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur_dispatch' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modReception not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO Module modDynamicPrices not qualified 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT tc.rowid, tc.code, tc.libelle, tc.position FROM llx_c_type_contact as tc WHERE tc.element='commande' AND tc.source='external' ORDER BY position ASC, code 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expedition' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'expeditiondet' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'product' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, type, param, fieldcomputed, fielddefault FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND type != 'separate' AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY pos ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:46 DEBUG sql=SELECT name, label, fieldrequired FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'resource' AND entity IN (0,1) 2020-07-11 01:23:46 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/modules.php 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:51 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/syslog.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG admin.lib::dolibarr_get_const 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT value as value FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'SYSLOG_FACILITY' AND entity = 0 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG admin.lib::dolibarr_get_const 2020-07-11 01:23:51 DEBUG sql=SELECT value as value FROM llx_const WHERE name = 'SYSLOG_FILE' AND entity = 0 2020-07-11 01:23:51 INFO --- End access to /accounting/htdocs/admin/syslog.php 2020-07-11 01:23:52 DEBUG - This is an already logged session. _SESSION['dol_login']=Gert _SESSION['dol_entity']=1 2020-07-11 01:23:52 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.birth, u.email, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address, u.zip, u.town, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note as note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.photo as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = 'Gert' ORDER BY u.entity ASC 2020-07-11 01:23:52 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid,name,label,type,size,elementtype,fieldunique,fieldrequired,param,pos,alwayseditable,perms,langs,list,printable,totalizable,fielddefault,fieldcomputed,entity,enabled,help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'user' ORDER BY pos 2020-07-11 01:23:52 DEBUG sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 2 AND entity = 1 2020-07-11 01:23:52 DEBUG sql=SELECT rowid, entity, type, page, param, value FROM llx_default_values WHERE entity IN (1) AND user_id IN (0, 2) 2020-07-11 01:23:52 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = ur.fk_id AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:52 DEBUG sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE r.id = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity = 1 AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 2 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL 2020-07-11 01:23:52 INFO --- Access to /accounting/htdocs/document.php - action=, massaction= 2020-07-11 01:23:52 DEBUG sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='en_CA' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC 2020-07-11 01:23:52 INFO modulepart=logs original_file=dolibarr.log entity=1 2020-07-11 01:23:52 INFO document.php download /var/www/jcbi.ca/html/accounting/documents/dolibarr.log filename=dolibarr.log content-type=text/plain