Dolibarr 3.5.2 (maintenance release for branch 3.5) is available

outilsA maintenance release for branch 3.5 of Dolibarr ERP & CRM is available.

Dolibarr 3.5.2 contains only fixes of bugs found into 3.5 branch. We recommend everybody that use version 3.5.2 to upgrade to this new version. As any maintenance release, no new features, nor data structure change is present into this version (see Read more for full list of fixes). 

You can download it from stable section of download area

Note that the freeze of version 3.6 should be done very soon too.

This release is also first release to use the fully aitomated new system, including tagging of Github and synchronisation with Sourceforge.

This is list of changes of this maintenance release and previous other maintenance release of branch 3.5:

***** ChangeLog for 3.5.2 compared to 3.5.1 *****
Fix: Can't add user for a task.
Fix: Autoselect of warehouse if there is only one warehouse.
Fix: Install of odt template for project and tasks.
Fix: [ bug #1318 ] Problem with enter key when adding an existing
     product to a customer invoice.
Fix: [ bug #1307 ] Quotes get removed from several inputs.
Fix: [ bug #1317 ] Removing a category does not remove all child categories
Fix: [ bug #1312 ] Call to undefined function _()
Fix: Restore build for obs and launchpad.
Fix: deleting files into backup system tools.
Fix: Dump using php not not include lock on tables that are deleted.
Fix: Fixed a problem with bank accounts sharing across entities.
Fix: fields into group by of sql requests for module margins must be
     same than fields into select.
Fix: When select_date is called with '' as preselected date,
     automatic user date was not correctly et (We must set a date into PHP
     server timezone area)
Fix: First param of select_date must always be forged with a dolibarr
     date function and not time().
Fix: fix can't add line with product in supplier order
Fix: [bug #1309]   
Fix: Solve pb of too many embedded tables     
Fix: [ bug #1306 ] Fatal error when adding an external calendar
Fix: A fix to manage automatic creation of code for import.
Fix: Try to add code to provide easy way to fix warning on timezone not
Fix: Several fix into workflow/condition for invoice payments or convert
     into discount.
Fix: Option MAIN_PDF_DASH_BETWEEN_LINES was not working when tcpdf was
     making a pagebreak higher than 2 pages.     
Fix: form to add images should not show link form.
Fix: Correction when adding order line with price as '0'.
Fix: [ bug #1283 ] ROUGET Shipment PDF.
Fix: [ bug #1300 ]
Fix: Miscellaneous problems on task tabs (withproject parameter lost and
     download fails).
Fix: Avoid home project page to hung when too many tasks opened.
Fix: bug #1295: Error when creating an agenda extrafield with a number as reference
Fix: Translation of number for pt_PT.
Fix: Error on ajax_constantonoff function.
Fix: [ bug #1323 ] problème pour générer un odt depuis les taches dans projet.
Fix: Can not make withdrawals 

***** ChangeLog for 3.5.1 compared to 3.5.0 *****
Fix: Do not report trigger errors twice.
Fix: Error when creating event was not reported.
Fix: Bug of import of agenda when using https link
Fix: Field nature not saved correctly
Fix: Substitution of extra field was ko for order
Fix: Bad translation of date format for pt_BR.
Fix: priority field of agenda record is smallint.
Fix: Missing loading of lang in some pages.
Fix: Write note in invoice when using pos module.
Fix: Link to paypal was invalid into email text.
Fix: ref and date of supplier invoice.
Fix: Check on bank account.
Fix: Problem with file upload and download.
Fix: Page load not ending when large number of thirdparies. We 
     added option MAIN_DISABLE_AJAX_COMBOX to disable javascript
     combo feature that is root cause of problem.
Fix: [ bug #1231 ] PDF always generated in interventions
Fix: Be sure there is no duplicate default rib.
Fix: Enable extrafields for customer order, proposal and invoice lines. This feature
     was developed for 3.5 but was disabled (hidden) because of a bug not possible to
     fix enough quickly for 3.5.0 release. 
Fix: user right on Holiday for month report nor working.
Fix: [ bug #1250 ] "Supplier Ref. product" sidebar search box does not work
Fix: Bad space in predefined messages. 
Fix: [ bug #1256 ] Signature was not added for email sent from thirdparty page.
Fix: Action event SHIPPING_VALIDATE is not implemented
Fix: The customer code was set to uppercase when using numbering module leopard. We
     must keep data safe of any change.
Fix: [ bug #1291 ] Loading actions extrafields fails.
Fix: [ bug #1123 ] Paid deposit invoices are always shown as partially paid when fully paid
Fix: Corrected project contact types translation.
Fix: [ bug #1206 ] PMP price is bad calculated.
Fix: [ bug #520 ] Product statistics and detailed lists are wrong.
Fix: [ bug #1240 ] traduction.
Fix: [ bug #1238 ] When creating accompte with a %, free product are used for calculation.
Fix: [ bug #1280 ] service with not end of date was tagged as expired.
Fix: [ bug #1295 ] Error when creating an agenda extrafield with a number as reference.
Fix: [ bug #1306 ] Fatal error when adding an external calendar.
New: Added es_CL language
Fix: Margin tabs bad data show
Fix: [ bug #1318 ] Problem with enter key when adding an existing product to a customer invoice.

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