table prefix bug


After installing 3.3.1 from scratch, I noticed an error in dolibarr-3.3.1/htdocs/admin/dict.php when inspecting VAT values.

on line 142 it reads:

$tabsql[10]= "SELECT t.rowid, t.taux, t.localtax1_type, t.localtax1, t.localtax2_type, t.localtax2, p.libelle as pays, p.code as pays_code, t.fk_pays as pays_id, t.recuperableonly, t.note,, t.accountancy_code_sell, t.accountancy_code_buy FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_tva as t, llx_c_pays as p WHERE t.fk_pays=p.rowid";

Note that the second table called has a static prefix ‘llx_’.
I used my own prefix…
Result? No VAT settings displayed.


$tabsql[10]= "SELECT t.rowid, t.taux, t.localtax1_type, t.localtax1, t.localtax2_type, t.localtax2, p.libelle as pays, p.code as pays_code, t.fk_pays as pays_id, t.recuperableonly, t.note,, t.accountancy_code_sell, t.accountancy_code_buy FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_tva as t, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX.“c_pays as p WHERE t.fk_pays=p.rowid”;[/code

Fix send into github repository
Thank for this analysis