3.8.3 Some english string can't be translate


I work on translate team of pt_BR on transifex and can’t translate two texts

The is on Third party->List of prospects. All box can’t be translate (more details on screenshot 1 on attach file)

The second is on Setup->Modules->Other modules (more deteails on screenshot 2 on attach file)


Pièces jointes :

Same here too!" (Germany). So I tried to fix it:

Search for

TE_STARTUP=Empresa começando
TE_GROUP=Empresa de grande porte
TE_MEDIUM=Empresa de médio porte
TE_SMALL=Empresa de pequeno porte
StatusProspect-1=Não entrar em contato
StatusProspect0=Nunca entrar em contato
StatusProspect1=Entrar em contato
StatusProspect2=Contato em andamento
StatusProspect3=Contato feito
ChangeDoNotContact=Trocar status para 'Não entrar em contato'

in ‘… htdocs/langs/pt_BR/companies.lang’

Insert (example in German!) after ‘TE_PRIVATE=Particular’:

ST_DONE=Erfolgreich kontaktiert ST_NEVER=Nicht kontaktieren ST_NO=Nicht kontaktieren ST_PEND=Kontaktierung läuft ST_TODO=Zu kontaktieren
Change code in ‘… htdocs/societe/list.php’
First search for ‘// Prospect status’ TWO times. In the second codesection replace accordingly:

            // Prospect status
            print '<td class="liste_titre maxwidthonsmartphone" align="center">';
                foreach($prospectstatic->cacheprospectstatus as $key => $val)
//                      $arraystcomm[$val['id']]=$val['label']; // pag
                        $arraystcomm[$val['id']]=$langs->trans($val['code']); // pag

Restart Webserver (if ZEND Opcache present) or simply reload ‘List Prospects’

Best regards

Hi Casati

I tried to find “// Prospect status”, “$prospectstatic”, “cacheprospectstatus”, “arraystcomm” in ./htdocs/societe/list.php but I not be able to find this code

I’m try at Dolibarr 3.8.3 version

Thanks to help me

You’r right!

This IS strange: 3.8.0, 3.8.2 and 4.0.x ALL contain the same file BUT NOT 3.8.3 …

Apparently in 3.8.3 the code has moved to ‘htdocs/comm/prospect/list.php’ :confused:

Best regards

Work !! :side:


I spent some more time digging into the language files and in the isue of the disappeared code section in list.php.

  1. Once you enable the module Projects/Leads the Prospect list is generated by htdocs/comm/prospects/list.php and no longe by ‘htdocs/societe/list.php’

  2. If you change the code section in question to:

// Prospect status print '<td class="liste_titre" align="center">'; $arraystcomm=array(); foreach($prospectstatic->cacheprospectstatus as $key => $val) { // $arraystcomm[$val['id']]=$val['label']; // pag 2016-Feb-06 $arraystcomm[$val['id']]=$langs->trans("StatusProspect".$val['id']); // pag 2016-Feb-06 } print $form->selectarray('search_stcomm', $arraystcomm, $search_stcomm, -2); print '</td>';
You DO NOT NEED to change the language files anymore!

This ONE line solves the problem for ALL languages.

Best regards


that is better solution
