Widget- Customer Invoice Shows wrong Date (Previous day date)

Dolibarr 19.0.1
Widget-Customer Invoices: last 5 modified is always showing wrong invoice date (just a day before, previous day date). Please see attached screenshot, the first three invoice created today 01-APRIL-2024 but shows Yesterday date…

@sribalaji.tvn when did you modify those invoices?

Never modified, Those invoice are newly created…

okay. Could you use the API explorer to GET the json for at least a single of those invoices and then post it here. But be wary of not revealing any private information.

At least all the lines in the json which has a key that contains date are needed


JonSweet16:order jonbendtsen$ grep date 305.json 
      "date_creation": null,
      "date_validation": null,
      "date_modification": null,
      "date_update": null,
      "date_cloture": null,
      "date_debut_prevue": null,
      "date_debut_reel": null,
      "date_fin_prevue": null,
      "date_fin_reel": null,
      "date_start": "",
      "date_end": ""
      "date_creation": null,
      "date_validation": null,
      "date_modification": null,
      "date_update": null,
      "date_cloture": null,
      "date_debut_prevue": null,
      "date_debut_reel": null,
      "date_fin_prevue": null,
      "date_fin_reel": null,
      "date_start": "",
      "date_end": ""
  "date_creation": 1699172714,
  "date_validation": 1699819927,
  "date_modification": 1699819927,
  "date_update": null,
  "date_cloture": null,
  "date": 1699138800,
  "date_commande": 1699138800,
  "date_livraison": "",
  "delivery_date": "",

I am sorry I am not familiar with API explorer…
Meanwhile what I found after 3 customer Invoice (Invoice Creation or Modification) from 4th events shows correct date (Existing wrong date goes out and 4th event comes In. Since this Widget only shows last 5 Invoice events)

okay, let us know if it comes back

The issue always persist! please see attached screenshots for your understanding. After 3rd Invoice event the 4th Invoice displayed with correct date(Green Underline). All RED underlined dates are previous day date.