2 new release managers
In 2013, the Dolibarr foundation works a lot to make promotion and development of Dolibarr ERP CRM project more industrials. We will continue in 2014.
And to start the year, I promoted 2 new release managers. Goals of having 2 more release managers are:
- Reduce bottleneck of core team.
- Make maintenance release more often (to get a better support).
- Make maintenance release on older version (to increase long term support).
The 2 new release managers are:
- Florian Henry: Florian is the release manager for the N-2 branch (so currently will package and deploy release for versions 3.3.*)
- Raphael Doursenaud: Raphaƫl is the release manager for the N-1 branch (so currently will package and deploy release for versions 3.4.*)
I will still be the release manager for current working branch (so currently, the 3.5.* versions) and mentor for the new release managers until they autonomous. May be in a future, release for current working version will be done by someone else if experience for 3.3 and 3.4 branch is a success.
This is a good opportunity to announce that version 3.4.2 and 3.5 should be available as stable versions very soon (first half of january 2014).