A new board team for the Dolibarr foundation

commercialThe work of the Dolibarr foundation for 2011-2012 has been approved and new board members elected.

Result of votes are visible on page: https://www.doodle.com/3sfdfs62rhkwnnv2

Remind that reports for 2011-2012 year are available here :
https://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Moral_Report_/_Rapport_Moral_2011-2012 https://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Fiscal_Report_/_Rapport_Financier_2011-2012

The new board is now :
-Maxime Longuet
-Régis Houssin
-Juanjo Menent
-Jean Heimburger
-Laurent Destailleur
-Philippe Grand
-Régis Houssin
-Guillaume Laurès

The new office is now :
-Laurent Destailleur - Président
-Philippe Grand - Trésorerier
-Jean Heimburger - Secrétaire

A new year start now, and this is a small roadmap of future events :
- release of version 3.2 soon
- solution linux congress in paris
- enhancement into dolistore.com
- more promotion into foreign countries
- creation of other languages communities
- development of program Dolibarr preferred partner
- and more...

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