A new Continuous Integration platform


After 4 night of headache, we finally successfully cleaned dolibarr sources to be compatible with the @Travis Continuous Integration platform (https://www.travis-ci.org)

You know that Dolibarr source control management is hosted on @GitHub (https://www.github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/)
Since yesterday, Dolibarr github sources are now also linked with Travis-Ci.

This is what it means...

- For people who don't want to change anything, nothing is changed :-)
- For the Dolibarr core team, now, each time a pull request for code change is submitted, all coding and regressions tests are automaticaly ran (maximum 10 minutes after code submission). If something is wrong (coding rule violation or unit test failure), the core team know it, BEFORE merging submission into core code and not after.

The screen shot show you an example:


This is very interesting feature for the Dolibarr Yoda guys (see page https://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Developer_FAQ#How_to_be_an_official_developer for more information of who are Yoda and what it is), since it save us time preventing us to validate bad submissions. Also tests can be done for several #PHP version (currently 5.3 and 5.4) and for several databases system (currently @Mysql, but we will add @Postgresql tests too soon).

- Also, another really interesting thing, is for you as Dolibarr developer. If you want to enhance/check quality for code of your Dolibarr fork, you can also benefit test of the Travis-CI platform.

Just go onto your github account, go into "Settings" of your forked github repository and enabled the hook for "travis" (you may have to create an account onto Travis before). After doing that, your own Dolibarr fork will be passed by same tests and quality controls than official Dolibarr sources.
Every developer is invited to do so.

You may also have a look of Travis CI test for all Dolibarr branches on page https://travis-ci.org/Dolibarr/dolibarr/branches

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