Some exiting news about Dolibarr 3.2
The Dolibarr 3.1.0 final version has just been released (few days ago) and there is already a lot of exiting new features ready for 3.2 into development branch.
This is some of them :
- Stock management is now possible on all warehouses whatever is stock increase/decrease option.
- The import wizard can now import contacts of third parties. This open doors to a lot of users from other solution to migrate to Dolibarr.
- A lot of code/library clean. Size of package is already 40% smaller in version 3.2 compared to 3.1
- A nicer theme "eldy" using CSS3 features.
- More webservices to offer a way to build interfaces to interact with Dolibarr with guarantee to be compatible with next versions.
- Developers can now officially use the canvas feature (a features to overwrite create/edit/view templates of elements).
- Developers can now officially use the hooks feature (a features to execute code in another manner than triggers).
- Developers can provide modules that add new entries into existing left menu (with no need to add a top menu).
If you want to already test all this features, available into the development branch, take a look at sources at :