Planned delivery date tag for ODT order form


Is there an ODT tag for object - planned delivery date for orders?

sorry. Not available.
The tag has been added for 3.4 into dev branch.

Dear eldy,

Thank you. I decided to use the pdf template einstein, and before version 3.2 on the top right of the PDF we could see the planned delivery date.

However now I cannot seem to get it to write there.

Do you have any suggestions to what I can do to have it there as was in earlier versions of dolibarr? Thank you.

Is there a substitution array I can use to pull the delivery date from object?

For example on pdf template I have the line:

$pdf->MultiCell(100, 4, $outputlangs->transnoentities(“Date”)." : " . dol_print_date($object->date,‘day’,false,$outputlangs), 0, ‘L’);

Which directs to the creation date of the order, but with orders the important bit is the delivery date!!

Can I replace $object->date with something else to direct to delivery date?

Thank you!

No problem I found it myself! It is date_livraison if anyone wants to use it in their pdfs.