How to configure time of automatic update leaves

I am new to Dolibarr. I am using Leave module. I am not sure if current Dolibarr can automatically deduct the leave date after validating the leave.

After I validated the leave, my Dolibarr did not deduct number of leave date. I also saw “Manual Update (Description)” in “View change log”.

Is there anyway to setup automatic update of “Balance of leaves”?

Did you have any luck with this ? I am facing the same issue and balance of leaves does not automatically get calculated and updated.

Check the setup of the leave request types (in dictionnary). It defined if it is a leave request that has a counter or not.

Thanks for the quick reply,

Counter is on, value=1. Country was not defined and I set it now. Would that matter ?
Still there is no update. I tried manual update for a user but still the total balance is the same as he started.

I solved the problem by modufing the \holiday\card.php file.
I turned the line:
$newSolde = $soldeActuel - ($nbopenedday * $object->getConfCP(‘nbHolidayDeducted’));
$newSolde = $soldeActuel - $nbopenedday;

and line:
$newSolde = $soldeActuel + ($nbopenedday * $object->getConfCP(‘nbHolidayDeducted’));
$newSolde = $soldeActuel + $nbopenedday;

I hope sb find better solution.