How to apply payment to several invoices?

HI …

We have the this case:
we sent a statement for the customer with all open invoices up to end of the month.
the customer pays whole statement amount …
how could we apply the payment to all invoices a once? now we are doing one by one … but in a stetement could has about 100 invoices … so we would like to apply the total amount and the system pays all invoices until the amount be zero.

I will appreciate your tips

When you choose to pay an invoices, you get a table with all open invoices for that client, don’t you? And you can add on each line a sum for the payment, complete or partial. You will register thus an unique payment with several invoices.
And why do you have so many invoices for the same client ? Can’t you group some of them?

thank you for the feedback

in fact I have several invoices by each customer … during the month I invoiced them when the send me a customer order.
so i have some case where just one customer can have at least 50 invoices per month … so they pay whole set of invoices based on an statement at the end of month…

I know there is the screen to apply the payment ( compta/paiement.php?facid=315&action=create&accountid= )
and i know there is a option/icon for “auto fill” for each invoice … but ii need to do it one by one …
I am looking the wait execute “the auto fill” for invoices in just one click ( something like that ) … to avoid clicking 50 times or 90 times line by line


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However, even by inspecting the code in htdocs/compta/paiement.php, I don’t see such an option.
You have to do or order a specific development to get that. Or reduce the number of invoices.

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