oneshot & monthly recurring cost (NRC|MRC)

G’morning folks,

i am pretty new to dolibarr and trying around in order to use it according to my needs. Actually i have this problem and i am not able to figure out how to solve :happy:

I need to distinguish prices of products/services by NRC and MRC meaning those who are “one-off” and those which will be charged on a monthly basis. I would appreciate most to have 2 columns in my proposals (and other related), one for NRC and one for MRC. So the challenges are two - first to get this 2 columns shown in my documents and second to classify a price/product being an NRC or an MRC price (might be done by duration of service? if there is a duration it is MRC, no duration means NRC).

I suppose one of you guys was already facing the same situation or there is a “best practice” or foreseen way in dolibarr to do the trick?

Many Thanks,