User who created invoice appear in invoice pdf

- Version: [5.06]
- Operating System: [Cent OS 7]
- Web Server: [Apache]
- PHP: [7.0.32]
- Database: [MySQL 10.2]
How do I get the User who created the invoice appear in invoice pdf. Basically I want the invoice pdf to show Prepared By: at the bottom of the invoice.
What do I need to change in pdf_crabe.modules.php ?

I don’t know how it works in ver. 5 as I haven’t used it for ages but in ver. 9 you can add the sales representative by going to “Contacts/Addresses” tab and choose Users/Contacts/Addresses from the drop-down menu and set Contact type

and later it looks like that on the PDF


and later you can change “Sales representative” to “Prepared By” to fit your needs.

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I added the sale rep in the contacts tab but it doesn’t appear in pdf