Installation failed at MySQL Check

The environment settings are,
Prerequisites check:
PHP Version 7.2.9 (More information)
This PHP supports variables POST and GET.
This PHP supports sessions.
This PHP support GD graphical functions.
This PHP support Curl.
This PHP support UTF8 functions.
Your PHP max session memory is set to 128M. This should be enough.
Configuration file htdocs/conf/conf.php exists.
Configuration file htdocs/conf/conf.php is writable.

and the error is,

PHP Fatal error: Class DoliDBSqlite contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Database::DDLDropTable) in /var/www/dolibarr/htdocs/core/db/sqlite.class.php on line 32, referer: http://xxx/install/check.php

I believe there is no implementation for abstract method “Database::DDLDropTable”

I found mysql.class.php has same problem

As i am using mysqli.class.php, my solution is to delete the two files - mysql.class.php and sqllite.class.php.

But I would suggest project team to update and solve the issue.

Do you mean that the problem is in relation to the PHP release, 7.2.9?

it may be due to PHP 7.2.9, it strictly verify whether all the abstract functions have relevant implementation.