bug on commercial contract proposal

I realize that after if the commercial contract is longer than a page ( info) all the things scramble up on the PDF generated.
any can help ?

Used it on the starto doc tempelate

Such issue should be reported on github platform.

What are your PDF paper formats & values in Home > Setup > PDF?


if margins are similar as below then be sure to create an issue on GitHub as suggested by yves57.

Left margin on PDF = 10
Right margin on PDF = 10
Top margin on PDF = 10
Bottom margin on PDF = 10

what should i set to to undo the error.
are there any way to resolve?

Your PDF generation doesn’t seem to be respecting pagebreak. The problem could be in dolibarr/htdocs/core/modules/propale/docs (I’m not sure) You’ll probably want to address the issue in detail on GitHub for a permanent solution,

I only had this is contract when my description exceeds 1 page, haven’t have any problem with my proposal and invoices yet.

another weird thing i notice is that i can only choose the starto PDF and not azur PDF format. can anyone help on how to install new PDF modules or give me a link and or how do i get more PDF templates into the choices so that i can try.

Thanks for all the help above.