Postcode lookup for UK address finder (PAF)

Has anyone integrated the UK postcode finder to populate the address fields?

The users need to enter a postcode/postal code and see a list of possible addresses.

Thank you.

That would be great but where do we get the correct post codes from?

I was also looking for the same feature. At the moment, I have no idea what dolibarr searches for when I enter a UK postcode, it does sometimes find something though, not sure if is based on existing entries.

There are many services that offer integration of postcode lookup for a per use fee but has anyone integrated the code in to a dolibarr form?

Na I think that would be very specific so it would probably have to be a paid module I think.

Happy to pay for a module but does it exist?

I’ve been using Dolibarr for a year now and it is not very UK-specific. That said, it’s almost perfect form a business point of view (for me, retail sales).

Finding a developer to create the module won’t be hard. Post in the forums on here or on the github dolibarr site. Just make sure it is compatible with the latest version as a lot of changes are going on and we are about to welcome v5.00 in the next few weeks I heard.


I have spoken to and they have provided a Chrome extension that works directly with Dolibarr…
It’s in the Chrome store CraftyClicks addin

You need to register for an access token and the free trial.

Having tried it, it works very well.

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