Fatture Elettroniche - Electronic invoicing Italy

Anyone knows how and when Dolibarr will implement electronic invoice module for Italy ?? At the present time, I still don’t see any satisfactory information about this topic, and the release of such module. The application will be mandatory from jan 1st 2019. Thanks

Qualcuno sa come risolverà Dolibarr la fatturazione elettronica ? Dolibar italia dice che verrà rilasciato un modulo, ma manca poco più di un mese e mezzo e nulla si sa. Grazie

I would join the request… I’m from Italy and starting january 2019, we are requested to send and receive electronic invoices.
I’m planning to use and external module from Dolistore, or trying to develop a module to implement the generation of the xml file requested.

Is there any reply from the source code maintainers?

here the module requested by 19coop to create xml

and here http://www.dolibarr.it/fatturazione-elettronica-b2b-e-b2c/conservazione-digitale-delle-fatture-elettroniche/
upgrade with advanced control, send to SdI and store them in compliance with italia law

Will there be something open source too or not?

Good morning, any update?
The link joint is not allowing download, Coop19 said 2 weeks ago that the module would have been available in their shop but it is still not there
Anyone was able to get this module?
Many thanks

Buongiorno, il modulo per la fatturazione elettronica è disponibile sia sul dolistore.com alla pagina:
se davvero lo cercate cliccate e copiate il link dato che dolistore ancora deve aggiornare la ricerca.
Funziona per doli 7 ed 8
Per qualunque domanda rivolgetevi tranquillamente a noi
