No Send Email on Contract


There is no send email button on contracts, even validated one.

Any suggestions?


After you create the draft invoice then convert it into an invoice template, the send by mail option should appear.

Thanks for the reply, no it is still not there.

Tried several methods but no luck.

i think there is different or unique meaning of contact in dollibar
the real contact is third party (individiual or company). while contact means additional contact.

so, if you want to create single contact, dont use create Contact in the menu. Use create third party.
there will be ‘send mail’ button on the third party.

cholis it’s about contracts, not contacts :tongue:

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Found the issue, the code was missing in div and an action error.

Line: 2044 -> add Button Here

Check Action Presend code with other sendbymail actions

Hope it helps others.