Early Access to module: Ticket Plus & HelpDesk

New version 0.8 [22-01-2024]

  • Added: you can enable on module settings that the visitor opening a new ticket can select an active project with her third party on your Dolibarr if it exists. And then the ticket is assigned to that project.
  • Added: you can also enable that once the visitor (customer or vendor) choose an active project with her third party on our system, the ticket can be automatically assigned to the internal user who own the project.
  • Improved the body of the email sent to visitor on login page with the 6-digit code.

This automatic assignment of tickets to an internal user, depending on the project selected by the customer/provider opening a new ticket, is a paid feature funded by a Swiss company. It was not originally included in my initial roadmap for this module. So I am very grateful for the early adopters who have invested hope and money into this development.

This week I will be working on the last “big feature” from my initial roadmap: utilizing the OpenAI API to run semantic searches in the knowledge center articles/FAQs. This will be an optional feature to enable, requiring you to set up an OpenAI API key.

Since this “roadmap feature” is not completed yet, I have extended the promotional pricing on Dolistore until next Friday.

My short question:

Max. 3 pcs article limitation (in a catgory), you unlock it?
For example easy link to all article or another solution …or not.

  // load articles 
    $max = !empty($vars['max']) ? intval($vars['max']) : 3;
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Yes, you’re 100% right. Is one of the things pending to be added :sweat_smile:
I promise to include it on the next version, i hope this week.
I’m almost finishing the use of AI embeddings in the search of articles.
Thanks to be there with your suggestions!! :star_struck:

Indeed @963 , anyway when you use the SEARCH BOX, then your request is passed to server using AJAX and the server returns to you the articles responding to your search, so many as necessary.

So the “only 3 articles by category” rendered when accessing the Articles area are “only to show the MOST popular”.

But yeah, as you said, it would be necessary to put the ability to see ALL the articles available, even without doing a search request.

Happy easter! :happy: For you and family. :happy:

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Will there be the possibility to merge tickets in the future in your module?



Hello @bramcue and welcome to this community.

Please, tell me something that I don’t know: does the native module tickets already have this possibility to “merge tickets”? Sincerely, I had not heard about this before.
