Module to build InterVAT documents

I just tried but the TinyMCE version used seems to be very buggy. I was unable to add an URL link and to post the article, I always got the following error message : “L’article doit contenir du texte”.

Could you publish the annonce for me ? Thank you.

I uploaded file on download - modules - more feature.
I added a news also.

Thank you ! Could you also add a similar announce on since the half of Belgium is speaking french ? :happy:

added in

Great ! Thank you.

Finally we don’t know whether we have to speak English, French, Dutch, German or whatever on the Belgian forum :slight_smile:
But since there are only French speaking people on this forum, I will write in French. If there is any problem for someone, please tell me and I will translate into English…

Tout d’abord, merci pour ce module très pratique.
Il serait intéressant de développer des modules liés aux spécificités belges, en particulier dans le cas des personnes physiques (le système de compta Dolibarr est plus adapté aux personnes physiques qu’aux sociétés, à l’heure actuelle). Je compte m’y mettre prochainement.

Au niveau des factures de sortie, rien de bien extraordinaire, sauf bien entendu qu’il faut, pour les déclarations, faire la différence entre les taux de TVA.

Pour les factures d’entrée, c’est un peu plus compliqué puisqu’il y a différents cas à gérer, par exemple :
- un simple achat purement professionnel en Belgique : le montant HTVA en marchandises, SBD ou investissements, le montant de la TVA en TVA déductible
- un achat en intra-communautaire : avec la prise en compte des cases AIC et TVA sur AIC, et le calcul d’une TVA “simulée” en TVA déductible
- des dépenses partiellement professionnelles et donc partiellement déductibles (les plus classiques sont les frais liés à un immeuble mixte, pour ce qui n’est pas physiquement séparé, ou les frais de matériel roulant n’étant pas 100% utilitaire) : les montants HTVA et de TVA déductible sont une fraction du montant total
- les importatations hors UE et exportations, mais ces cas là étant plus rares, je pense qu’ils sont moins importants

Si d’autres personnes veulent travailler à ce module, qu’ils se manifestent :slight_smile:
Cela permettrait de faciliter grandement la tâche à bon nombre d’indépendants en personne physique qui, comme moi, se chargent eux-mêmes de leur comptabilité.


Language rules are:
English for forum on
French for forum on

eldy made the rules clear. I just want to hightlight that there are not only french speaking people on this forum.
For instance, I am a Belgian guy living in France, natively speaking Dutch, but in daily life French and generally English on the web or in mails.

Dus dat kan soms wel ingewikkeld worden ;-).

[translation: That can become difficult from time to time ;-)]


We’ve just started using Dolibarr as account system. As I’m living in Belgium (Dutch part… :happy: we’re very interested in knowing if the VAT module 0.1 Beta is working correct.

If this is the case, we can install and use it. Thanks to the designer!!

Should this message be unreadable for Frennch speaking Belgian readers they can send me and Email or reply. I’ll translate it (as far as I can) into French then.

As said before her, being Belgium is a ‘bit complicated’ :happy:

We’ve installed the module and I see an additionale tab “Belgium” on the board. Problem is that the tab is not active and seemingly I can’t reach that button.

Can anyone tell me what’s wrong?

There are rights to:
- read VAT clients list
- export VAT clients list as XML (InterVAT format)

You have to give appropriate permissions to the user/group to use the Belgium module.

Thanks for the reply.

The module is active and has an “green light” on the control board. You mentione a VAT read list and VAT export list. How is that done then?

Seemingly we missed out something on the permissions. Could you give some more info/assistance?


First you have to enable the module (green light) in “Home > Setup > Modules”.

Then you have to add the permissions to use the module to each user/group you want in “Home > Users & Groups > USER_OR_GROUP > Permissions tab”.

If you need it, you can contact me for more assistance.


OK we can access the module now (haven’t changed anything, just logged out completely and logged in again.)

In the client list I see 2 clients/suppliers with VAT turnover and VAT amount, although there should be more clients/suppliers in this list.

All clients/Suppliers have a code BE… added in the box “professional number” but only these 2 show op in the list.

Could you give some more info how we can add the other clients so they appear in the list?

Only clients with a belgian VAT number and turn over >= 250 euros should appear in the VAT clients list.


We managed to get a TVA listing of the clients. The listing gave tough some errors due to the format of TVA numer I guess. Could you tell in wich format we put in the TVA number and where we put in teh numer in teh Dolibaar system (as profesional numer or as TVA. I’ve tried both but it keeps giving failure notes whem I open the xml in INTERVAT.

Another question; is there also a possibility to export alle the data for a full TVA document that we have to fill in every 3 mon,ths (don’tknow how to translate that; in Dutch it’s the " kwartaalaangifte".

When i go to the tab “Belgium” in Dolibaar I see also an tab INTERVAT beside “BTW klantenlisting” but nothing happens as I click the tab.MAybe we have to make a hyperlink somewhere?

You have to fill in your VAT number in “Home > Setup > Company/Foundation > VAT number” in the following format : BE0XXXXXXXXX.

At this time, there is no support for monthly/quarterly VAT declaration.

I’m currently working on the next version of Belgium module that will fix some bugs, add data checks and update VATList schema. This release will be Dolibarr 2.9.x compliant, but I will release a Dolibarr 2.8.x compliant version too.

I know I already wrote ont this thread about the next release, but I work on Dolibarr module during my leisure. I’m a self-employee software developper and system administrator so feel free to support this development with financial donation or various help (development, documentation, translation…) to speed up development.

Belgium module version 0.2 is now available. Main changes are:
- Now fully compatible with Dolibarr >= 2.9
- Now uses VatList schema version 1.3
- Global refactoring
- Bug fixes

See here for more info :

Belgium module version 0.2.1 is now available. This new version fixes error messages display regression.

See here for more info :