No accounting account group available for country IN (See Home - Setup - Dictionaries)

I’m from India running a small orphanage home. I’m trying to use dolibarr for our organisation.

Unable to get reports from Accountacy module.

In chart of accounts, “No accounting account group available for country IN (See Home - Setup - Dictionaries)” message is popped up but pursonalised groups are already defined. Unable to assign accounting accounts in Chart of accounts section. Please help.

Could anyone help me to resolve the issue? Thank you.

Please follow my Post how to setup the Chart of Accounts, How to group

Hello, Sir have you figured it out already? You need to go back to your Accounting, then Tutorial Section, The You have to look for Grouping and Subgrouping of the Account. Whatever cost, expenses, other cost and Other Expenses you should put is Expense on the Grouping. Now for the Revenue, Sales other Income, You need to put Income.

Thanks alot for your reply. I figured out linkage between COA, journal and Reports. I added INCOME/EXPENSE categories in each COA group. This solved my problem but still have few other problems.

  1. If I add transactions using Miscellaneous payments option then transactions are not recorded either in Journals or reports.
  2. If I add journals in ledger then transactions are not recorded in respective bank accounts.
  3. After all I’m unable to export summary values of each COA. I tried to export using exports option but could not get COA wise summary values.

Could you please help me.

Thank you.

Hey man how did you solve this i have the same problem here tryin to set up custom reports