Ticket issue on public file and view

hello all

I’m use a ticket module and apparently I find 2 bugs

when the public user opens the ticket and upload the file , the attachement does not appear. The upload run only for the users logged
QUESTION: …is this an issue of ticket module or is it an issue on my settings ?

when the internal logged user is a sales rappresentative of only 1 third party and creates or manages, or modifies the ticket of its third party, this user can add all users of the company (under the funcion list of users) in the ticket just created. I think that only tha admin can add all users listed in the database and the list of users shown to this sales raprresentative should be limited to only its third party and not to the whole company.
I change the right of the same user to only see tickets, this user doesn’t see the attachement , the list of contact and the event agenda from the back end.

Can you help me to understand if it is a bug or other users have the same issue?


Hi, I found a workaround for your bug number 1.

I hope can help you!

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