Ability to customize displayed fields in all lists

In the various lists that are displayed
For Example:
Products List
Companies List
Contacts Lists

It would be great if we had the feature to add remove the fields being displayed.

in http://localhost/CMA%20Management%20System/dolibarr/htdocs/product/liste.php?leftmenu=product&type=0
Ref Label Barcode Modification date Selling price Stock Status

Say we dont want barcode, modification date, selling price and status to be displayed, Instead we want the fields Price Level 1, Price Level 2 and Price Level 3 in addition to Ref, Label, Stock level and status to be displayed.

Having such a flexible control over displayed fields in the display interface combined with the print button will add so much more functionality and practical utility. Many simple looking reports could easily be printed with this feature.

did you manage to solve or sort this ?


Since this topics was created, 10 years ago, the software has improved a lot, and you can now select what column to display in most of the lists.
Could you create your own topic to explain in detail what issue are your facing ?


i tried to get it but could not see this feature


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