Account Type missing in New financial account window

How would i add account (mandatory) type for the new financil account. the drop down list is empty. Also there are no options to add it through the dictionaries.
Dolibaar 11.0.0-beta

Sorry, I do not fully understand your post. What type of account are you mentioning ? Bank account, accounting account ? Settings for accountancy are defined in more or less dedicated pages…

hi simicar,
under Banks- New financial account
I have tried to add new account. But its insisting me to fill in Account
eg : “Current or credit card account” or “Savings account”
nothing showing the dropdown list

You mean this drodpdown ?

Options are not defined in a disctonnay but in the class constructor with 3 possible values (0 for savings, 1 for regular bank accoung, 2 for cash).
I would not know why you don’t have a proper dropdown list.


Ok, this is accounting account number. You should have first loaded a chart of accounts. If you use “Advanced accounting”, then it is under Accounting/Setup/Chart of accounts. I would not know where to set it up therwaise.
Once you have a chart of accounts defined, you will have this dropdown populated, and you should chose something like 512 (in the French system at least…).

Thanks Simicar, let me chk