Accounting company using Dolibarr

Are there any accounting companies which use Dolibarr both for their own practice management (incl CRM, helpdesk and task management) and for their clients (instances/databases administered centrally by the accounting company)?

As there are no prompt replies, I assume that the accountants’ community is not very active in this forum. I’ve looked at Odoo as well and one local Estonian developer could indicate just a few cases when an accounting company has shown any interest in using open source ERP in their practice. I checked with metasfresh as well and there was no response at all.
The problem I’m looking to solve is the lack of a platform which allows the accounting service providers to share the ERP functionality with their clients while automating their own back-office routines extensively. Today there is a mess of not very well integrated ERP and practice management apps (CRM, time-tracking, file sharing, communications, etc.) which do not scale up and offer no or only very fragmented functionality for centralized multi-company process management. So I investigating open source options to start building what we have envisioned. I am pretty sure that the accounting practice of the future is heavily dependent on its technological platform and our clients are already today expecting to use our solutions instead of the classic accounting software available today.


I guess all this depends also on the respective commercial market players already present and established in various countries. I don’t know how this is in other countries, but in Germany, the vast majority of accounting companies and tax consultants is a customer of DATEV, which is operating its own data centers and organized as a cooperative and can almost be regarded as a monopoly. I.e. even the data exchange between various systems outside of this eco system happens mostly in the complex format DATEV has once created.

Therefore, I don’t expect them to operate their office based on open source ERP systems. BUT it would already be a major leap forward, if they could easily consume the data created by such systems. Currently, using Dolibarr in Germany is not impossible, but posing various difficulties, exactly because of this.
