Add new import for external module

from tools → import assistant → new import, i want to add an external module so i can import excel files to the system like the third party and other existing modules. I searched a lot about how to add the external module here but i didn’t find anything. So, can anyone help me with this?

Did you look at the developer wiki ? Developer documentation - Dolibarr ERP CRM Wiki

@altatof yes for sure. Actually it’s working now well and i made it in the mod file, but now it shows the module duplicated in the datasets page i don’t know why.

hello, i’ve had the same problem recently on my development local instance of dolibarr but all is ok when installing the module on another server.
i thought it was because i’ve renamed my module during development or something like that :wink: but i did not investigate further

Actually i moved it to another server but it still the same.