AdvancedDiscount Module duplicate discounts inserted

In my situation I have defined 2 different discounts with one product ref variation. However, one of them inserts two(2) discounts whereas the other one does what I expect inserting only one(1).

When I create a sales order that matches “Discount 1” the module adds two(2) line items with $5 discount.

When I create a sales order that matches “Discount 2” the module adds one(1) line item with $10 discount.

My expectation is the behavior observed when “Discount 2” is applied. However, it is unclear which behavior is intended based on the module implementation/documentation.

My questions are:

  1. Why are two relatively identical discounts being applied differently?
  2. Which behavior is the intended module behavior?

Below are the details of how I configured each discount. The only notable differences are the fixed amounts and the main product. Both use the same “SpecialProduct_X” as the second product.

Discount 1:
Object contains product Product_1
Object contains product SpecialProduct_X
Fixed Discount: 5.00

Discount 2:
Object contains product Product_2
Object contains product SpecialProduct_X
Fixed Discount: 10.00

Expected Results using “Discount 2”

Unexpected Results using “Discount 1”