Blanck Page after editing Customer Invoice

Hello everyone, for a few days I have had the problem when I edit an invoice template, then approve it, but want to open it again later and get a blank page. Unfortunately I can’t find a way to show me debugging. I am using the current php version 7.0 and the current version of Dolibar. Thank you for your help pleace.

Hi, I have spend a lot of time what goes wrong here, but I found, if you use your companylogo in png, maybe with transparancy… …please try to exchange this with a jpg image file and see if this works out for you…

Thanks for your help, unfortunately the problem still persists. I’ve tried different things and haven’t found a solution to the problem for months.


Blank page means PHP error = check your hosting logs

I had this problem several times, when i altered the document (invoice, order and so on). When i created an error in the php-document, the rsulting page was blank. I always had to walk through the php-code and examine my last changes. And always it was my own fault, a misstypo, forgetting a semicolon on the line end, setting special characters on places where they don’t belong.

In one case the version of the document name was wrong (i synchronize data between shopware and dolibarr, and the document name i synchronized into the order-table was not existing so far).
